Gait Abnormality Rating Scale

Gait Abnormality Rating Scale

Gait Abnormality Rating Scale (GARS)cite journal |author=Wolfson L, Whipple R, Amerman P, Tobin JN |title=Gait assessment in the elderly: a gait abnormality rating scale and its relation to falls |journal=J Gerontol |volume=45 |issue=1 |pages=M12–9 |year=1990 |month=January |pmid=2295773 |doi= |url=] is a videotape-based analysis of 16 facetsof human gait.

A modified version was published in 1996.cite journal |author=VanSwearingen JM, Paschal KA, Bonino P, Yang JF |title=The modified Gait Abnormality Rating Scale for recognizing the risk of recurrent falls in community-dwelling elderly adults |journal=Phys Ther |volume=76 |issue=9 |pages=994–1002 |year=1996 |month=September |pmid=8790277 |doi= |url=]


The scale comprises three categories:cite web |url= |title=GAIT ASSESSMENT RATING SCALE |format= |work= |accessdate=]
* five general categories
* four lower extremity categories
* seven trunk, head and upper extremity categories.Each item has a score range from 0 (goodfunction) to 3 (poor function).cite web |url= |title=Abnormal Gait |format= |work= |accessdate=]

Total GARS score

The totalGARS score is the sum of the 16 individualitems, and the total score represents a rankordering of risk for falling, based on thenumber of gait abnormalities recognized andthe severity of any abnormality identified.


It has been evaluated as a screening tool to identify patients at risk for injury from falls.cite journal |author=VanSwearingen JM, Paschal KA, Bonino P, Chen TW |title=Assessing recurrent fall risk of community-dwelling, frail older veterans using specific tests of mobility and the physical performance test of function |journal=J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. |volume=53 |issue=6 |pages=M457–64 |year=1998 |month=November |pmid=9823750 |doi= |url=]

It has been used in remote gait evaluation.cite journal |author=Russell TG, Jull GA, Wootton R |title=The diagnostic reliability of Internet-based observational kinematic gait analysis |journal=J Telemed Telecare |volume=9 Suppl 2 |issue= |pages=S48–51 |year=2003 |pmid=14728760 |doi=10.1258/135763303322596255 |url=]

ee also

* Gait abnormality


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