- On Hold Messaging
On Hold Messaging is "Messages On Hold" - a service used by businesses and organizations of all sizes to deliver targeted information to their callers waiting on hold.
On Hold Messaging production companies generally write the script and produce the recordings. On Hold Messaging can be delivered via
telephone lines, theInternet ,cassette tape , CD or audio file.Compatible phone systems include a port which links the message player to the phone line.
On Hold Messaging can be used to introduce new products and services to callers on hold, to reinforce awareness of existing offerings, provide information about the company, deliver helpful tips, or to shorten perceived hold times and improve the caller experience by providing humorous or entertaining content.
[http://www.MessagesOnHold.com.au Messages On Hold (Asia Pacific's largest and most trusted provider)] [http://www.premiermessages.com.au Premier Phone Messages (Australias expert suppliers)] [http://www.businessvoice.com BusinessVoice, Point-Of-Entry Marketing] [http://www.onholdinfosystems.com On-Hold Infosystems] [http://www.CommercialsOnHold.com Commercials On Hold, Since 1982] [http://www.phmediagroup.co.uk PH Media Group, On Hold Messaging Since 1998] (http://www.rhythmandgrooves.com Rhythm and Groooves, innovator of Vibecast on-hold messaging)(http://www.ohmc.com On Hold Marketing & Communications Please See: http://www.ohmc.com/whyyouneedonhold.asp)
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