Rudolf (musical)

Rudolf (musical)

Infobox Musical
name =Rudolf
subtitle =

image_size =175px
caption =Production logo
music =Frank Wildhorn
lyrics =Jack Murphy
Nan Knighton
book =Jack Murphy
Phoebe Hwang
basis ="A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888-1889" by Frederic Morton Conceived for the stage by Frank Wldhorn and Steve Cuden
productions =2006 Hungary
awards =

"Rudolf" is a musical conceived for the stage by Frank Wildhorn and Steve Cuden, with a book by Jack Murphy and Phoebe Hwang, lyrics by Murphy, additional lyrics by Nan Knighton, and music by Frank Wildhorn. It is based on Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria and his extramarital relationship with Baroness Mary Vetsera. Their 1889 deaths at his Mayerling hunting lodge apparently were the result of a murder-suicide pact, although historians have debated this explanation.

Loosely based on the book "A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888-1889" by Frederic Morton, the musical was developed under the working titles "Vienna", "Affäre Mayerling" ("The Mayerling Affair"), and "Rudolf - The Last Kiss". The pressures of the monarchy have fallen upon Rudolf's shoulders, he is in political and personal conflict with his father, Emperor Franz Joseph, and his marriage to Princess Stéphanie of Belgium is crumbling when he meets and falls in love with the 17-year-old baroness. Their secret liaison doesn't escape the attention of prime minister Eduard Taaffe, who hopes to use his knowledge of the affair to destroy Rudolf's political career.

Production history

"Rudolf" was given a reading in New York City on December 16, 2005 with
Rob Evan as Rudolf, Brandi Burkhardt as Mary, and Michael Shawn Lewis as Taafe [ [
] .

As a co-production of Vereinigte Bühnen Wien, the Budapest Operetta Theater, and the Szeged Open-Air Festival, it had its world premiere in a Hungarian translation at the Operett Színház in Budapest on May 26 2006, followed by an outdoor staging that opened in Szeged on July 28. Gergely Zöldi translated the book, and the Hungarian lyrics are by Zöldi, MG Kerényi, and Szilárd Somogyi.

Since then, the production has alternated between the two venues, playing in Budapest during the winter months and in Szeged for the summer season. A Vienna production will open at Raimund Theater on February the 26th, 2009. [ [ "Rudolf" at] ]

"Rudolf" was directed by Miklós Gábor Kerényi and choreographed by Michael Reardon, Éva Duda, Jenõ Lõcsei, and László Rogács. The original cast included Attila Dolhai as Rudolf, Bernadett Vágó as Mary, Tamás Földes as Taafe, and Attila Németh as Franz Joseph.

ong list

;Act I
*Viennese Specialties / Ez Bécs!
*Curtain Up / A város ünnepel!
*Mary's Theme / Mária dala
*The Men Who We've Become (You Never Listen) / Mért nem ért meg engem
*An Ordinary Man / Hétköznapi hõs
*Prince of Wales' Ball / A walesi herceg bálja
*Something More / Ez most más
*Finish What You've Started / Fejezze be, kérem!
*How Will I Know? / Mondd, mit tegyek?
*Fear And Desire / Kétség és ábránd
*The Tra-La-La Ice Skating Song / Trallalla-dal
*The Moment I Saw You / Kettõnk közt nemrég
*A Better Life / A nemzet hív
*Bird Dog / Nyulak és vérebek
*Only Love / Szerelem vár és semmi más ;Act II
*The Master of the Strings / A mester és a drót
*It Will Be Me! / Nem más, mint én!
*New Boy In Town / Kiskatonám
*Measure Of A Man / Így vagyok csak én
*The Steps of Tomorrow / A holnap hídja
*Only Heroes Dare / Csakis az lesz hõs
*Maintain the State / A rend a fõ!
*The Writing's on the Wall / Ez szimpla egyszeregy
*Can I Say Goodbye? / Ez a perc úgy fáj
*A Leaf in the Wind / Akár az õszi levél
*I Was Born to Love You / Te értem születtél
*The Fourth Dimension Ball / A Negyedik dimenzió bálja
*Only Love (reprise) / Szerelem vár és semmi más (repríz)
*Viennese Specialties (reprise) / Ez Bécs! (repríz)


External links

* [ Official website]

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