

Uziel or Uzziel is a Jewish surname that may refer to:

* Uziel Gal
* Beit Uziel
* Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel
* Hayyim ben Abraham Uziel
* Isaac Uziel
* Jacob Uziel
* Jonathan ben Uzziel
* Joseph Uziel
* Judah Uziel
* Samuel ben Joseph Uziel
* Samuel Uziel

ee also

* Uzi

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  • UZIEL — (Uzziel), family of prominent Spanish exiles whose members were to be found in Salonika, Safed, Italy, and Fez. JOSEPH UZIEL BEN ABRAHAM (d. c. 1520) arrived in Fez immediately after the Expulsion. He was a disciple of R. Samuel Valenci and had… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Uziel — auch Uzziel oder Usiel ist der Name von Isaac Uziel (?–1622), sephardischer Rabbi in Amsterdam Jonathan ben Uzziel (1. Jahrhundert), ein jüdischer Gelehrter des Altertums Uziel Gal (1923–2002), israelischer Waffentechniker Diese …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Uziel Gal — (1953) Uziel Gal (hebräisch ‏עוזיאל גל‎, Spitzname: Uzi; * 15. Dezember 1923 in Weimar als Gotthard Glass; † 7. September 2002 in Philadelphia) war ein deutschstämmiger israelischer Techniker und Armeeoffizier. Er entwickelte 1951 die „Uzi“ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Uziel Gal — en 1953. Uziel Uzi Gal (Hebreo: עוזיאל עוזי גל), nacido como Gotthard Glas (15 de diciembre de 1923 7 de setiembre de 2002), fue un diseñador de armas de fuego israelí nacido en Alemania, más recordado por haber diseñado y dado nombre al subfusil …   Wikipedia Español

  • UZIEL, BARUCH — (1900–1977), educator, lawyer, folklorist, and politician. Born and educated in Salonika, Uziel helped to found the youth organization Maḥzikei Ivrit whose goal was to spread the Hebrew language in the spirit of the haskalah . In his home, he… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • UZIEL, ISAAC BEN ABRAHAM — (d. 1622), rabbi and poet. Isaac was the son of Abraham Uziel, a rabbi of Fez where Isaac was born. In consequence of the famine in Morocco during 1604–05, he left Fez and settled in Oran, Algeria, where he served as rabbi. From there he went in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Uziel Gal — Uziel Uzi Gal (Hebrew: עוזיאל עוזי גל), born Gotthard Glass (December 15, 1923 ndash;September 7, 2002), was a German born Israeli gun designer best remembered as the designer and namesake of the Uzi submachine gun.Gal was born in Weimar, Germany …   Wikipedia

  • Uziel — (Usiel, Uzziel)    FALLEN ANGEL who is also good. In kabbalistic lore, Usiel is a fallen angel who married women and begat giants. (See WATCHERS.) In the Sefer Raziel, Usiel is a good angel who is among the seven who stand before the throne of… …   Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology

  • Uziel, Isaac ben Abraham — (fl. 17th cent)    Dutch rabbi. He was born in Gez, and in 1610 was appointed rabbi of the Neveh Shalom synagogue in Amsterdam. He wrote poetry, a Hebrew grammar, and a translation of legends and fables …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Isaac Uziel — Isaac ben Abraham Uziel (* im 16. Jahrhundert in Fès; † 1. April 1622 in Amsterdam) war ein spanischstämmiger Rabbi und Dichter, zuletzt tätig in der sephardischen Gemeinde von Amsterdam. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 3 Literat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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