- Ali Al-Ahmed
name = Ali Al-Ahmed
image_size = 200px
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birth_date = 1966
birth_place =Al-Khobar ,Saudi Arabia
death_date =
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occupation = Political activist, public speaker, scholar, writer
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children =Ali Al-Ahmed (علي آل أحمد) is a Saudi scholar and expert on Saudi political affairs including: terrorism, Islamic movements, Wahhabi Islam, Saudi political history, Saudi-American relations, and the history of the al-Saud family. He is the founder and director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs (formerly the Saudi Institute), an independent think tank in Washington, D.C. focused on providing analyses and disseminating information on political issues in the Gulf region and particularly Saudi Arabia, and U.S.-Gulf relations. IGA also convenes conferences, conducts independent research and investigations, and works with the media and policymakers to fosters a deeper understanding of the Gulf countries by providing them with up-to-date and exclusive information and connecting them with reliable analysts.
He has been invited to speak by
Princeton University ,Amnesty International , theHudson Institute ,American Enterprise Institute and Meridian International Center.As a journalist, al-Ahmed exposed major news stories such as
The Pentagon 's botched translation of the 9-11Bin Laden tape in December 2001. He also discovered the video ofDaniel Pearl 's murder.He has testified before Congress on several occasions on the issue of civil rights and religious freedom in the Middle East [http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/archives/109/96357.PDF] [http://www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/archives/109/26648.pdf] .
He has authored reports on Saudi Arabia regarding religious freedom, torture, press freedom, and religious curriculum. [http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/CRF_SaudiReport_2006.pdf]
Family and Early Years
One of nine children, al-Ahmed was born in 1966 in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, to a politically active Shi’a family of the Shammar tribe - the largest tribe in the Arabian Peninsula. His maternal grandfather, Salman Abdul Hadi Al-Habib, was the Sheikh of Safwa in the early to mid twentieth century until his death. His oldest uncle Ali Salman was arrested for his nationalist opposition activities in 1969-1975, and his youngest uncle Adil Salman was imprisoned for 18 months in 1991 for membership in the
Socialist Workers Party .Al-Ahmed grew up in the Eastern Province city of Safwa. His political career began at the age of 14 when he became the Kingdom's youngest political prisoner, after he was arrested in
Doha, Qatar and deported to Saudi Arabia while traveling with his parents and six siblings in 1981. Ten years later, he moved to the United States to earn a B.A. in Journalism and Science atWinona State University inMinnesota and a M.A. in International Finance at theUniversity of St. Thomas inSt. Paul, MN Media and Speaking Appearances
Al-Ahmed is a frequent consultant to major international broadcast media on issues including Saudi political affairs, terrorism, Sunni-Shi’a relations, Wahhabi Islam, political and religious oppression, human and women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi-U.S. relationship. He is a regular guest on
CBS News ,CNN ,PBS ,Fox News , andAl-Jazeera . He has written for, and has been quoted in, theWashington Post ,Associated Press ,The Times ,Reuters , theWall Street Journal ,USA Today and theBoston Globe , amongst others.Al-Ahmed has been invited to speak at
Princeton University ,Amnesty International , theHudson Institute ,American Enterprise Institute and the Meridian International Center. He has testified before Congress on several occasions on the issue of civil rights and religious freedom in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. [3] [4] .Notable Achievements
Bin Laden 9/11 Tape Discovery
After conducting an analysis of the
Osama bin Laden videotape claiming responsibility for the destruction of Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, al-Ahmed discovered that the original translation made by Pentagon missed the fact that bin Laden identified nine hijackers by name, including brothersNawaf al Hazmi andSalam al Hazmi , four men from the al-Ghamdi tribe, and two individuals named al-Shehri.Further details identified by al-Ahmed, and missed by Pentagon translators, were the names of three Saudi clerics who publicly backed the attacks, according to the man speaking with bin Laden on the tape. The government’s version of the tape also failed to mention bin Laden's instruction to his the followers: "When you hear a breaking news announcement on the radio, kneel immediately, and that means they have hit the
World Trade Center ." [ [http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/12/20/ret.bin.laden.translation/ CNN.com - Bin Laden named nine hijackers on tape, not one - December 21, 2001 ] ]Daniel Pearl Murder Discovery
In May 2002, after Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered inKarachi, Pakistan , al-Ahmed found a video of his beheading on an Arabic-language Web site used to recruit jihadi-s to fight the United States. The footage of Pearl’s murder was interspersed with news clips, Arabic subtitles and calls to holy war directed at young people in Saudi Arabia, at least some of whom found the video appealing. "The first place where they had it on most of the people who commented on the tape, they said, 'I wish I was there. I wish I had done it,'" said al-Ahmed.CBS’s decision to air parts of the videotape was criticized by Pearl’s family and the State and Justice Departments, both of whom asked the network not to air the video. Anchor
Dan Rather defended CBS’s decision by saying the tape was aired after great deliberation and was carefully edited to omit the most brutal moments. "We believe," said Rather, "it is important for Americans to see it and understand the full impact and danger of the propaganda war being waged against the United States and its allies, and also its effect on the young people of the Arab world." [ [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/14/attack/main509059.shtml CBS News | Terror, Lies And Videotape | May 16, 2002 14:04:08 ] ]Saudi Curriculum of Intolerance Exposed
In May 2006, the Institute for Gulf Affairs and Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom released “Saudi Arabia’s Curriculum of Intolerance”, a report analyzing a set of 12 Saudi textbooks currently used in Islamic studies courses for elementary and secondary school students. The analysis showed that the textbooks espoused hatred toward non-Muslims and non-Wahhabi Muslims. IGA collected these textbooks, used in Saudi Arabia and Saudi-run schools outside the Kingdom, from teachers, administrators and families with children in Saudi schools.
The report debunked claims repeated earlier by Saudi officials, including spokesman
Adel Al-Jubeir and Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.Turki al-Faisal , that all educational materials have undergone significant revision. In stark contradiction to these claims, the IGA/FH analysis showed that the textbooks commanded Muslims to hate non-Muslims, denigrated the majority of Sunni Muslims as “deviants and descendants of polytheists”, taught conspiracy theories like Protocols of the Elders of Zion as if they were proven facts, and called upon students not to "greet," "befriend," "imitate," "show loyalty to," "be courteous to," or "respect" non-believers.Saudi Arabia runs academies in 19 world capitals, including theIslamic Saudi Academy inFairfax County near Washington, D.C., that use the same textbooks. The IGA/Freedom House study was cited as evidence in the report released by theU.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in October 2007 that urged the State Department to shut down the Academy unless it could prove it was not teaching religious intolerance. The panel expressed "significant concerns" that the school is promoting a brand of religious intolerance that could prove a danger to the United States.External links
* [http://www.gulfinstitute.org Institute for Gulf Affairs]
* [http://arabiaradio.org/english/index.cfm Saudi Information Agency (English)]
* [http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110006712 Hypocrisy Most Holy (op-ed in WSJ)]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/saudi/interviews/ahmed.html Interview with PBS Frontline]Notes
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.