- The Soap Show
"The Soap Show" is a weekly internet audio
podcast and website covering English speaking soap operas from Australia, the UK and the US. It was launched in2006 and claims to be the only audio programme on the internet which carries weekly interviews with actors from classic and current Australian, UK and US soap operas.The website contains
soap opera news, episode guides, features, and news from theAustralian television industry. The focus is on soaps that air, or have aired, on UK television, includingCoronation Street andEastenders , as well as Australian and US soaps. There are regular interviews with actors from current soaps such asHome and Away andNeighbours and classic series likeThe Sullivans ,Sons and Daughters andThe Young Doctors . Transcripts of many of these audio interviews are available on the website.The show also regularly interviews soap opera actors who are appearing in theatre productions in its Stars on Stage section.
In September 2006 The Soap Show was featured on
BBC Radio 2 as website of the day. [Citation
title = "Website of the day"
publisher = Miles Mendoza
year = 2006
date= September 2006
url = http://www.websiteoftheday.info/2006/09/the_soap_show.html]It is a "BBC recommends" website in the soaps category of bbc.co.uk [Citation
title = "Recommended website"
publisher = BBC
year = 2008
url = http://search.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/results.pl?tab=web&go=homepage&scope=all&q=soaps]The Soap Show podcast is consistently in the top three podcasts in the TV/Film/soaps category on iTunes.
External links
* [http://www.thesoapshow.com The Soap Show]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.