Pretorius — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: André Pretorius, südafrikanischer Rugby Spieler Andries Pretorius (1798–1853), burischer Politiker und Gründer der Südafrikanischen Republik Jackie Pretorius, südafrikanischer Rennfahrer Marthinus Wessel… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pretorius — Pretorius, Andries Pretorius, Martin … Enciclopedia Universal
Pretorĭus — Pretorĭus, Marthinus Wessels, Burenführer, geb. 1818, gest. 19. Mai 1901, Sohn des Andries P. (gest. 1853), der am 16. Dez. 1838 den Suluhäuptling Dingaan geschlagen hatte, war 1857–71 erster Präsident der Südafrikanischen Republik, 1860 bis 1863 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Pretorius — (Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus) (1798 1853) homme politique sud africain. Victorieux des Zoulous à la bataille de Blood River (1838), il fonda la Rép. du Natal (annexée par la G. B.), puis la Rép. du Transvaal. Il donna son nom à la ville de Pretoria … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pretorius — Recorded in several forms including Praetor, Praetorius, Pratorius, Pretorius, (German), and in English Preater, Preter and Pretor, this is a surname of Germanic origins although the ultimate origin is the Roman (Latin) word praetor . This… … Surnames reference
Pretorius, Andries — ▪ Boer South African leader in full Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus Pretorius born Nov. 27, 1798, near Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony [South Africa] died July 23, 1853, Magaliesberg, Transvaal Boer leader in the Great Trek from British dominated… … Universalium
Pretorius, Marthinus Wessel — ▪ Boer South African leader born Sept. 17, 1819, near Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony died May 19, 1901, Potchefstroom, South African Republic Boer statesman, soldier, eldest son of the Great Trek leader Andries Pretorius, and the first… … Universalium
Pretorius, Andries (Wilhelmus Jacobus) — born Nov. 27, 1798, near Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony died July 23, 1853, Magaliesberg, Transvaal Boer leader in the Great Trek. Pretorius s forces defeated the Zulu at Blood River in 1838 and at Magono in 1840. In 1842 he led an unsuccessful fight … Universalium
Pretorius,Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus — Pre·to·ri·us (prĭ tôrʹē əs, tōrʹ ), Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus. 1798 1853. Afrikaner soldier and politician who led the defeat of the Zulus (1838) and negotiated the independence of the Transvaal (1852). His son Marthinus Wessels Pretorius (1819… … Universalium
Pretorius, Andries (Wilhelmus Jacobus) — (27 nov. 1798, cerca de Graaff Reinet, Colonia de El Cabo–23 jul. 1853, Magaliesberg, Transvaal). Líder bóer del Gran Trek. Sus fuerzas derrotaron a los zulúes en Blood River en 1838 y en Magono en 1840. En 1842 dirigió una infructuosa lucha… … Enciclopedia Universal