Flavius Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix

Flavius Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix

Flavius Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix or more simply Flavius Felix (480 – January 5, 511) was a Consul of Rome in 511 to the West, where he remained for 512, and also in 511 to the East, both joint with Flavius Secundinus in 511. He was the son of a son or daughter (b. 460 or 465) of either Magnus Felix (430 – after 469), a Patron in 469, and wife Attica (born 440), or his sister Araneola (b. 435 or 440), and husband Polemius, either of them children of Flavius Magnus, Consul of Rome in 460.

ources and references

*Christian Settipani, Continuite Gentilice et Continuite Familiale Dans Les Familles Senatoriales Romaines A L'epoque Imperiale, Mythe et Realite, Addenda I - III (juillet 2000- octobre 2002) (n.p.: Prosopographica et Genealogica, 2002).

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*Descent from antiquity

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