- Plunky & the Oneness of Juju
Juju plays a big part in the work of
Plunky Branch with his afro-funk jazz fusion music. From1971 to1974 his band was called Juju, from1975 to1981 Oneness of Juju, from1982 to1988 Plunky & Oneness of Juju and from1988 to present day is known as Plunky & Oneness.Their song, "
Every Way But Loose " is featured on thevideo game , playing on fictionalradio station .The band also had an album in
1984 called Electric JuJu Nation. (This information courtesy of the band's website: http://www.plunkyone.com)http://www.the-breaks.com/search.php?term=oneness&type=0
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