X marks the spot

X marks the spot

The phrase "x marks the spot" is used to refer to the letter X (or the × symbol) marking something's location. It can refer to:

* x mark, the mark used in such instances
* "X Marks the Spot", a 1931 film directed by Erle C. Kenton
* "X Marks the Spot", a 1942 film directed by George Sherman
* "X Marks the Spot", a 1944 social guidance film, spoofed in Season 2 of "Mystery Science Theatre 3000"
* "X Marks the Spot", a BBC game show which debuted in 1998

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  • X marks the spot. — sent. This is the exact place! (A catchphrase.) □ This is where it happened. X marks the spot. □ X marks the spot where we first met …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • X Marks the Spot — was a quiz and panel game that was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 between 1998 and 2006. It could be likened to be a more light hearted version of Round Britain Quiz . It was presented by the comedian and author Pete McCarthy until his death in October …   Wikipedia

  • X marks the spot — An indication made on maps or documents of importance to call attention to a place or a feature of some importance. * /The treasure hunter said to his companion, Here it is; X marks the spot. / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • X marks the spot — An indication made on maps or documents of importance to call attention to a place or a feature of some importance. * /The treasure hunter said to his companion, Here it is; X marks the spot. / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • X\ marks\ the\ spot — An indication made on maps or documents of importance to call attention to a place or a feature of some importance. The treasure hunter said to his companion, Here it is; X marks the spot …   Словарь американских идиом

  • x marks the spot — look for x, begin at x, x is important    Someone had written on the map X marks the spot where we were abducted by aliens …   English idioms

  • x marks the spot — This is used to say where something is located or hidden …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • X marks the spot — phrase used in games and mysteries for saying that something important can be found at a particular place Thesaurus: general words for location and placesynonym places of a particular typehyponym Main entry: x …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Spot — For other uses of the term spot, see Spot (disambiguation page). The Spot, or thespot.com, was the first episodic fiction website, and pioneered the underwriting of bandwidth and production costs by offering paid advertising banners on the web… …   Wikipedia

  • x marks the spot —    This is used to say where something is located or hidden.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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