SPO may refer to:
* SPO Rouen Basket, a basketball club based in Rouen, France
* Sankt Peter-Ording, a resort town in Germany on the North Sea
* Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan University Library
* Sciences pour l'oenologie, a French research center located on la Gaillarde Campus / SupAgro in Montpellier and working on grape cultivation related topics ( [http://www.univ-montp1.fr/recherche/unites_de_recherche/sciences_pour_l_oenologie] )
* Secondary Public Offering, an equity capital market instrument
* Serbian Renewal Movement ( _sr. "Srpski Pokret Obnove"), a monarchist political party in Serbia
* Service and Parts Operations, in the automotive industry
* Single Point Operations or Systems Program Operator, in the Unisys Clearpath NX Series (formerly Burroughs large systems and Burroughs Medium Systems, A/B Series) the console/terminal designated to control the operating system (MCP). While the former term is how Unisys is actual currently defining it, the latter is the original and the controlling system terminal/user is commonly referred to as the SPO (pronounced 'sp-oh')
* Single Push-out, an algebraic approach to graph rewriting
* Strong Pareto optimum, a concept in economics when no further improvements can be made
* Subject, Predicate, Object indicating the predominant word order in a natural language
* System Program Office, in the U.S. Department of Defense
* .spo, a file extension used in the SPSS statistics software

Similar to SPO is:
* SPÖ: The Social Democratic Party of Austria, or in _de. Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
* Spo11, a protein used in a complex along with Mre11 and Rad50 during meiotic recombination

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