

Finningia is an old Latin name for Finland, along with "Fennia", "Finnia" and most often used "Finlandia".

The name first appears in the work of Olaus Magnus from 1539, who placed "Finningia olim regnum" on the Scandinavian map to indicate the unhistorical past kingdom of Finland. [ [ Olaus Magnus map of Scandinavia 1539 CE] . See section F.] The name presumably is a misconception of Pliny the Elder's "Aeningia" that probably did not mean Finland but the area of the present-day Baltic States. [ [ 28 (Geografiens och de geografiska upptäckternas historia) ] ] Aeningia seems to have first been confused with Finland by Jacob Ziegler in 1532. [ [ Map of Finland by Jacob Ziegler] . Both Finlandia and Einingia are placed next to each other in the present-day southwestern Finland.]


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