may refer to:

In currencies:
*Chinese wén (文), the currency of China from the 6th century BC until 1889 AD
*Japanese mon (currency) (文), a currency used in Japan until 1870
*Korean mun (文), the main currency of Korea from 1633 until 1892
*Vietnamese cash or văn (文), the currency of Vietnam from 968 until 1945

In people:
*King Wen of Zhou (周文王), Zhou Dynasty Chinese ruler
*漢文帝 or Emperor Wen of Han China, Han Dynasty Chinese ruler
*Emperor Wen of Liu Song (宋文帝), Liu Song Dynasty Chinese ruler
*Emperor Mun of Balhae (文王), Balhae kingdom ruler
*Wen Tianxiang (文天祥), Song Dynasty prime minister
*Wen Zhengming (文徵明), Ming Dynasty painter
*Wen Zhenheng (文震亨), Ming dynasty painter and scholar
*Fumi Hirano (平野文), Japanese "seiyū" and essayist
*Wen or Man family (文), a major family in the history of Hong Kong

In other uses:
*文, a Kangxi radical

See also

*Wen (disambiguation)
*Japanese mon (disambiguation)

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