- Violet Barclay
Stan Lee (1947)] Violet Barclay (bornNovember 5 ,1922 ,Manhattan ,New York City ,New York )"Alter Ego" #33 (Feb. 2004; flip side): "Viva Valerie" (Valerie Barclay interview), p. 2] , who also worked under the name Valerie Barclay and the married name Valerie Smith, is an American illustrator best known as one of the pioneering female comic-book artists, having started in the field during the 1930s and '40s period historians and fans call theGolden Age of Comic Books .Born Violet Barclay, she adopted "Valerie" in adulthood, after actress
Valerie Hobson , though without filing for legal change of name.Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 7]Biography
Early life and career
Valerie Barclay was raised in Manhattan, with a sister,Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 12] two younger brothers, and a single mother who had left her husband when Barclay was a minor.Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 4] Barclay attended the
School of Industrial Art high school , where her classmates included futurecomic-book professionalAllen Bellman , [ [http://www.comicartville.com/bellmanpg2.htm Comicartville Library: "A Timely Talk with Allen Bellman" (2005 Q&A interview, no date), p. 2] ] and theSchool of Visual Arts . She obtained her first job in comics afterMike Sekowsky — a fellow Industrial Art alumnus and apenciler forMarvel Comics predecessorTimely Comics — met her while she was working at the restaurant Cafe Rouge. She recalled in a 2004 interview:Initially using the name Violet Barclay, she went on staff at Timely in January 1942, when the company moved from its first location, the
McGraw-Hill Building , to its home of the next several years, theEmpire State Building . Due to her work going unsigned and uncredited, in the general manner of the times, comprehensive credits are difficult if not impossible to ascertain. "The Who's Who of American Comic Books 1928-1999" credits Barclay as having inked stories for the Timelyfunny animal features "Super Rabbit " (1942-48) and "Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal " (1943-47), and in the teen-humor titles "Jeanie", "Rusty", "Willie" (all 1947-48), and "Georgie", (1949) and the career-girl humor series "Nellie the Nurse " (1949).During this time, Barclay's complicated relationship with benefactor Sekowsky — who bestowed expensive gifts on her even after his marriage to Joanne LattaBarclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 3] — caused friction in the Timely bullpen, which she left in 1949. As she later described the office environment,
Sekowsky, one of the nascent Marvel Comics' mainstays, chose to remain and "make George's life hell". Nonetheless, Barclay recalled the staff often having cocktails together at Longchamps , the Empire State Building's ground-floor restaurant, and found Timely "a pleasant place to work".
In her personal life during this time, Barclay said in 2004 that, "I was married before I met Mike, but my husband's
divorce was not final. ... His wife sent him divorce papers, and they were dated after our marriage. [I] had to go to court and get anannulment . Mike paid for it and it cost $350".Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 11] Later, in the early 1950s, she married a man name Johnny Smith.Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", pp. 7 and 9] After leaving Timely in 1949, Barclay freelanced, doing inking onD.S. Publishing 's crime comic "Exposed" (1949), and both penciling and inking stories for Standard's "Intimate Love" (1951-53);DC Comics (1952);American Comics Group (1952-54);St. John Publications (1953); and the Ace Periodicals comic book "Complete Love Magazine" (1954). Most of her freelance comics work was in the romance genre.Later life and career
In the mid-1950s, during an industry downtown, Barclay left comics, unable to find work in the field. Though her natural hair color "was dark, almost black," she "became a platinum blond
fashion model ".Barclay interview, "Alter Ego", p. 15] Unsuccessful, she left after a year to become a waitress, followed by stints as a hostess for various restaurants.
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