

name = "Liometopum"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Hymenoptera
familia = Formicidae
subfamilia = Dolichoderinae
genus = "Liometopum"
genus_authority = Wheeler, 1905
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"L. luctuosum"
*"L. occidentale"

"Liometopum" is a genus of ants that belongs to the subfamily Dolichoderinae. Caterpillars of certain butterfly species have a symbiotic relationship with "Liometopum" ants. They produce secretions that the ants will feed on, similar to the Iridomyrmex genus of ants.

Escamoles is a Mexican delicacy that is made from the larvae of these ants.


*"L. luctuosum"
*"L. occidentale"


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