Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus

Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus

Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus (born ca 185) was the Proconsul in Asia circa 250 and again a Proconsul at the end of the 3rd century. He was the son of Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus, Proconsul in Achaea in 220.

He was the father of Asinia Juliana Nicomacha (born ca 215), married before 240 Quintus Anicius Faustus (born ca 210), son of Quintus Anicius Faustus Paulinus, Legate of Moesia Inferior between 229 and 230, and they were the parents of Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinus (I) or Marcus Junius Caesonius Nicomachus Anicius Faustus Paulinus (II), Consul of Rome in 298.


* Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne (France: Éditions Christian, 1989).

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* Descent from antiquity

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