

Greville or Gréville may refer to places, such as:

*Gréville-Hague, in the Manche "département" in France
*Port Greville, Nova Scotia

Greville or Gréville can also be a first or last name (surname). Individuals with this surname include:

*Algernon Greville (1798-1864), amateur cricketer
*Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville
*Charles Francis Greville
*Charles Greville
*Edmond T. Gréville
*Frances Greville
*Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke
*Henry Gréville
*Julia Greville
*Margaret Greville
*Robert Greville, 2nd Baron Brooke
*Robert Fulke Greville
*Robert Kaye Greville (botanist)
*Thomas N.E. Greville See also Fulke Greville (disambiguation)

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