Tantra techniques (Vajrayana) — Tantra techniques in Vajrayana Buddhism are techniques used to attain Buddhahood. Vajrayana partially relies on various tantric techniques rooted in scriptures such as tantras and various tantric commentaries and treatises. The most important… … Wikipedia
Lanydza script — Lanydza (lanydza / ལཉྫ་) is an ornate Brahmic script derivative still used by Tibetans, Nepalese and Bhutanese to write Sanskrit. It is derived from Ranjana and is closely related to Wartu script. UsesMany of the Buddhist Sanskrit palm leaf and… … Wikipedia
Lanydza — La lanydza (lanydza / ལཉྫ་) est une des écritures qui se sont développées à partir de la brahmi ; elle est employée encore aujourd hui par les Tibétains, Népalais et Bhoutanais pour écrire le sanskrit. Elle dérive de l écriture ranjana du… … Wikipédia en Français
Ranjana alphabet — Rañjanā Type Abugida Languages Nepal Bhasa Sanskrit Tibetan Time period … Wikipedia
linger — (v.) c.1300, lenger reside, dwell, northern England frequentative of lengen to tarry, from O.E. lengan prolong, lengthen, from P.Gmc. *langjan to make long (Cf. O.Fris. lendza, O.H.G. lengan, Du. lengen to lengthen ), source of O.E. lang (see… … Etymology dictionary