

name = "Ankyra"
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Chlorophyta
classis = Chlorophyceae
ordo = Chlorococcales
familia = Chlorococcaceae
genus = "Ankyra"
genus_authority = Fott, 1957
type_species = "Ankyra ancora"
subdivision_ranks = Speciescite web | url = | publisher = "AlgaeBase version 4.2" World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway | accessdate = 2007-09-25 | title = Genus: "Ankyra" taxonomy browser | author = Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. | year = 2007 ]
subdivision =
* "A. ancora"
* "A. calcarifera"
* "A. inermis"
* "A. judayi"
* "A. lanceolata"
* "A. ocellata"
* "A. paradoxioides"
* "A. starrii"

In taxonomy, "Ankyra" is a genus of algae, specifically of the Chlorococcaceae. This genus of algae is closely-related to Atractomorpha and Sphaeroplea. [cite journal |author = Buchheim MA, Michalopulos EA, and Buchheim JA |title=Phylogeny of the Chlorophyceae with special reference to the Sphaeropleales: a study of 18S and 26S rDNA data. |journal=Journal of Phycology |year=2001 |volume=37 |issue=5 |pages=819–835 |doi=10.1046/j.1529-8817.2001.00162.x]


Further reading


External links

cientific references

cientific databases

* [ AlgaeBase]

* [ AlgaTerra database]

* [ Index Nominum Genericorum]

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