SEGI is a Basque pro-independence and revolutionary left-wing organization. It forms part of the
Basque National Liberation Movement and is aligned withLangile Abertzaleen Batzordeak ,Batasuna andETA . [ [http://www.anarkismo.net/newswire.php?story_id=4730 State repression of the Basque movement] ] [ es icon [http://www.fundacionvt.org/images/revista/anteriores/cachorros.pdf Los cachorros de ETA: Jarrai-Haika-Segi] ]Segi is proscribed as a
terrorist organisation (as a member of ETA) by both the Spanish and French [fr icon [https://pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/editorial/actual/ael2/bulletin.asp?liste=20040601.html#Chapitre14 French list of terrorist organisations, in the annex of Chapter XIV] ]authorities as well as theEuropean Union as a whole.PDFlink| [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/oj/2006/l_144/l_14420060531en00250029.pdf EU list of terrorist organisations] |43.6 KiB , 29 May 2006] In its decision, on27 February 2007 , the Grand Chamber of theEuropean Court of Justice (ECJ) dismissed the appeal of the illegal Basque organisation "Gestoras Pro Amnistia" [Illegal as it is considered a member of ETA [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/oj/2006/l_144/l_14420060531en00250029.pdf EU list of terrorist organisations] ] and SEGI members against their dismissal by the European Council with claims for damages suffered as a result of inclusion in the "terrorist list". [ [http://www.uel.ac.uk/chrc/documents/SL46_bowring.pdf "Terrorist": Flag of Convenience?] ] The UK intervened with Spain – it was the only other EU state to do so, as a symbol of the support of the rest of the European Council. [ [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:62004J0354:EN:HTML Judgement of the Court, Grand Chamber, 27/02/2007] ] [ [http://www.statewatch.org/news/2007/mar/ecj-feb.pdf. StateWatch Case C-354/04 P] ]Background
In 2002 SEGI was classed as a "
terrorist " organization by the Spanish National Court magistrate JudgeBaltasar Garzón , thus banning it as a component ofETA .Fact|date=June 2008Garzón had previously banned the two other Basque youth organizations that preceded Segi: Jarrai and Haika. [(Spanish) [http://www.elmundo.es/2002/03/09/espana/1115922.html El Mundo] ] [(Spanish) [http://www.abc.es/hemeroteca/historico-22-08-2005/abc/Nacional/segi-recoge-en-un-documento-su-plan-para-reactivar-en-verano-la-kale-borroka_61349122194.html ABC] ]
Spanish and other European courts have banned a number of ETA-related organizations such as newspapers – Egin (1998), Egunkaria (2003); youth organisations – Jarrai (1999), Haika (2001), Segi (2002); prisoner associations – Askatasuna (2002) and Gestoras Pro-Amnistia (2003) and political parties such as Herri Batasuna (1997) and its successor Batasuna (2003). [ [http://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-madridprevention/article_1791.jsp Open Democracy] ] [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DE4DF123DF932A15751C0A9659C8B63&fta=y The New York Times] ] [ [http://www.sustatu.com/1045828048 Sustatu] ] All those decisions have been based on the proved direct coordination of such organisations with ETA (i.e. the organisations have been declared "members of a terrorist group" and of "cooperation with terrorist groups" by helping in the recruitment of new members and supporting ETA's finances).
According to "
An Phoblacht " the case descended into a farce when another judge in the Spanish National Court considered that Garzón’s arguments "were not valid" and released all the detainees. [ [http://www.anphoblacht.com/news/detail/19835 An Phoblacht] ] However another report suggests that the Supreme Court ruled they were a terrorist organization, but had not been placed on the country's terrorist list before the court'sJanuary 19 ruling. [ [http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2237677.ece "The Independent"] ]upport from abroad
Ógra Shinn Féin (the youth wing of political partySinn Féin ), which maintains fraternal relations with Segi, [ [http://www.rte.ie/news/elections2007/youthparties.html Youth Parties Guide] ,] has called for the "immediate release of our comrades in Euskal Herria". It has begun an online petition to demand the reversal of the decision to declare SEGI to be an illegal and terrorist organization. The petition claims that the Spanish Government has "decided to brand a completely legitimate political group as terrorists in an attempt to subvert the ever present Basque national liberation struggle". It is also campaigning for the release of the National Executive of SEGI, who were arrested on a protest and were sentenced to 6 years imprisonment. Ógra Sinn Féin has passed a motion in support of Segi at a recent congress, declaring their support.Fact|date=December 2007References
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