Anjanette Kirkland

Anjanette Kirkland

Anjanette Kirkland (born 24 February 1974 in Pineville, Louisiana) is an American hurdler.

In 2001 she won gold medals at the World Indoor Championships and the World Championships, the latter in a career best time of 12.42 seconds. She also competed at the World Championships in 1997 and 2003 without reaching the final.

Vital Information and Career Highlights

[ Anjanette Kirkland] was born February 24, 1974 in Pineville, Louisiana. Kirkland attended Taft High School, as well as Holmes High School. She ran during her college career at Texas A&M in 1997. In 2003, she gave birth to daughter Jadin on May 4th. Kirkland sponsored by Nike, with the help of her coach Tony Ross, and agent, Kimberly Holland briefly reached the top of the top of the sport.

Weighing in at 145 pounds and being 5-8, Kirkland PRs in the 60mH at 7.85i in 2001 and 12.42 in the 100mH in the same year. Below shows a timeline of her track career highlights.

2006- 4th at Adidas Classic (12.74); 7th at Athens Super Grand Prix (13.50)

2005- 5th at USA Outdoors (12.91); 3rd at Reebok (12.58)2nd at Lausanne (12.65); 1st at Rome (12.57); 1st at Zagreb GP (12.67); 2nd at London (12.62)ranked #7 in the world; (#3 U.S.) by T&FNbest of 12.57

2004- 3rd at USA Indoors 60mH (7.99); 5th in 100mH at Nike PrefontaineClassic (12.90); 7th in 60mH at adidas Boston Indoor Games (8.29); 4th in 60mH at Verizon Millrose Games (8.13); 5th in 60mH at Tyson Foods Invitational (8.21)

2003- Out due to pregnancy

2002- 3rd at USATF Outdoors (12.85); 1st at Zagreb (12.82); 1st at Rieti (12.85); 2nd at Brussels (12.62); 2nd in Paris 12.63); 3rd in Athens (12.82); 3rd at Grand Prix Final (12.62); ranked #4 in the world, #2 U.S. by T&FNbest of 12.62

2001- Won gold at World Indoors in PR time of 7.85; won gold at World Outdoors (12.42 PR); won 60mH at U.S. Indoors (7.97); 3rd at USA Outdoors (13.14); bronze medalist at Goodwill Games (12.92); ranked #2 in world (#2 U.S.) by T&FN best of 12.42

2000- 3rd at [ Air Force Millrose Games] (7.97); adidas DC Invitational at 60mH (8.19); 2nd at Rome (12.66); 5th at Brussels (12.85); Monaco (12.88); Berlin (12.97); ranked #8 in world (#4 in U.S.) 100 hurdles by T&FN; PRs of 7.88 (indoors) and 12.63

1999- 7th in semis at USA Outdoors (14.50w); ranked #7 in U.S. by T&FN; 12.91 PR

1998- 8th in 60mH at USA Indoor (8.20); 7th in USA Outdoors (13.13); 7th in Zurich GP (12.89); ranked #5 in U.S. by T&FN; 12.83 PR

1997- 2nd in 100mH at USA Outdoors (12.74 PR); 2nd in 100mH (12.92) at NCAA; 6th in 60mH semi at USA Indoor (8.33); won 100mH (12.70w) and 400mH (57.75 PR) at Big 12; 7th in 100mH semi at World Champs (13.04); ranked #3 U.S. by T&FN; 12.74 and 57.75 PRs

1996- Won 55mH (7.68) at SWC; 8th in 55mH (7.72) at [ NCAA] Indoor; 6th in 100mH quarterfinal at Olympic Trials (13.32w); 13.24 PR

1995- 2nd in 100mH at NCAA (13.09); 3rd in 55mH (7.64 PR) at NCAA Indoor; won 55mH (7.75 MR) at Southwest Conference Indoor; won 100mH at SWC (13.11w); 2nd in 400mH (61.07); 7th in semi of 100mH at USA Outdoors; ranked #9 in U.S. by T&FN; 13.09 and 61.07 PRs

1994- 3rd in 100mH at NCAA (13.41); 7th in 100mH at USA Outdoors; won 55mH (7.75 MR) at SWC Indoor; won 100mH at SWC (13.44); ranked #7 in U.S. by T&FN; 13.22 PR

1993- 2nd in SWC 100mH (13.48); 4th in 400mH (60.81); 13.49 and 58.98 PRs

1992- Won HS state title at 100mH, 2nd in 300mH; 13.99 and 42.25 (300mH) PRs

1991- 2nd in 300mH at Texas HS state meet; 63.27 (400mH) PR

1990- 43.8 (300mH) PR


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