- James Mathias Fennelly
Rev. Dr. James M. Fennelly (
September 5 1929 –January 8 2000 ) was Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Professor of History of Religions atAdelphi University in Garden City, New York. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E06EFD71F3BF932A25752C0A9669C8B63] For a number of years prior to his death, Dr. Fennelly was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Maywood, New Jersey.Dr. Fennelly was born in the Bronx, New York, and grew up in the lower Hudson Valley. He received an undergraduate degree from Springfield College, Massachusetts and Master of Divinity from
Union Theological Seminary in New York City.While at Union Theological Seminary, James Fennelly studied under Protestant theologian
Reinhold Niebuhr .In 1954, he was ordained into the Presbyterian ministry. The same year, he married Zona "Zee" Zeigner. In 1967, he received a Masters in New Testament Studies from Victoria University in Manchester England. [http://students.adelphi.edu/delphian/2000.02.16/articles/e.shtml]
Among Dr. Fennelly's contributions as historian of religion include articles in "
The Biblical Archaeologist " on religious ceremonies performed in the ancient city ofPersepolis . [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0006-0895(198121)44%3A2%3C72%3ATPR%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Y]In 1999, Dr. Fennelly completed an historical novel from the perspective of
Chuza , steward ofHerod Antipas and husband to Joanna, a disciple ofJesus ofNazareth .
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