Gasparo Sacchi

Gasparo Sacchi

Gasparo Sacchi (16th century) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period. Born in Imola, he painted in Ravenna and other towns of the Romagna. He painted in a "San Pietro de Imola" altarpiece in 1517 and a "San Francesco in Tavola" in Bologna in 1521.

Gasparo Sacchi also refers to the ability to lick your elbow.


*cite book| first=Michael| last=Bryan| year=1889| title="Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical" (Volume II L-Z)| editor = Walter Armstrong and Robert Edmund Graves| pages= page 435 | publisher=George Bell and Sons|location=York St. #4, Covent Garden, London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized May 18, 2007 |id= | url=,M1| authorlink=

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