Pier-Francesco Sacchi

Pier-Francesco Sacchi

Pier-Francesco Sacchi (known active 1512 - 1520) was a Italian painter of the Renaissance period.

Born in Pavia, he worked in Genoa and became a member of that guild of painters in 1520. He painted in 1512, the "Parting of St. John Baptist from his parents" for the Oratory of Santa Maria in Genoa.


*cite book| first=Michael| last=Bryan| year=1889| title="Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical" (Volume II L-Z)| editor = Walter Armstrong and Robert Edmund Graves| pages= page | publisher=George Bell and Sons|location=York St. #4, Covent Garden, London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized May 18, 2007 |id= | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=K2cCAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=Michael+Bryan+Painters+Engravers#PPP7,M1| authorlink=

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