- Eudorina
color = lightgreen
name = "Eudorina"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Eudorina elegans"
domain =Eukaryota
regnum =Viridiplantae
phylum =Chlorophyta
classis =Chlorophyceae
ordo =Chlamydomonadales
familia =Volvocaceae
genus = "Eudorina"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "E. cylindrica"
* "E. elegans"
* "E. illinoisensis"
* "E. minodii"
* "E. sp."
* "E. sp. Chile-3"
* "E. sp. China-6"
* "E. sp. Hono"
* "E. sp. Laos"
* "E. sp. Seekonk"
* "E. sp. Suz"
* "E. sp. Thai"
* "E. unicocca"In taxonomy, "Eudorina" is a genus of colonial green
algae , specifically of theVolvocaceae . [See the NCBI [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=34143 webpage on Eudorina] . Data extracted from the cite web | url=ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/ | title=NCBI taxonomy resources | publisher=National Center for Biotechnology Information | accessdate=2007-03-19] Eudorina colonies consist of 32 individual cells grouped together. Each individual cell contains flagella which allow the colony to move as a whole when the individual cells beat their flagella together.References
Further reading
cientific journals
External links
[http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/pdb/Images/Protista/ChlorophytaE.html#Chlorophyceae Eudorina] - Description with pictures
cientific references
cientific databases
Further Reading
Yamada, T.Y, Miyaja,K. and Nisayoshi, N. 2008. A taxonomic study of "Eudorina unicocca" (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae) and related species, based on morphology and molecular phylogeny. "Eur. L.Phycol." 43: 317 - 326.
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