Weinmannia trichosperma

Weinmannia trichosperma

name = Tineo

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Oxalidales
familia = Cunoniaceae
genus = "Weinmannia"
species = "W. trichosperma"
binomial = "Weinmannia trichosperma"
binomial_authority = Ruiz & Pav.

"Weinmannia trichosperma" (Tineo), evergreen tree in the family of Cunoniaceae, it is native from Chile: 35° to 47° lat. S, It can measure 30 m (100 ft) height and 1 m (3 ft) diameter. Straight trunk. Gray and fissured bark.

Leaves are oppositte composite, very glossy above and green glaucous below, imparipinnate, coriaceous, among every leaflet there are triangular wings giving to every pair a rhomboid outline; it has on the leaves base 2 deciduous stipules. Lamina about 2–8 x 2–4 cm, leaflets 0.6–1.6 x 0.6–1.0 cm, serrate. It has growth habit of sparse and wide foliage.

Flowers are hermaphrodite, white and in clusters . The calyx 4–5 sepals, imbricate; corolla composite 3–5 petals; androecium 8-10 stamens; gynoecium of superior ovaries and 2 carpels with white stigmas.

Fruit: capsule coriaceous, splits in two, obovate, in Autumm it turns loud red, 6–9 x 2 mm, opening in the middle, between the styles. Seeds ellipsoid, light brown, with scattered white hairs, little (1 x 0.6 mm).

Cultivation and uses

The bark and is useful for tanning leather. It is used as an ornamental tree in Chile. The flowers are used by introduced European bees for producing a very delicious honey. The wood is very beautiful and hard. It thrives in cool and moist climates, this is the reason why it succeeds as ornamental in Northern Ireland, Scotland, some parts of England and also in the North Pacific Coast of the United States.


"Weinmannia", for German botanist J. A. Weinmann (1782-1858); "trichosperma", from Latin: hairy seeds. And tineo, Mapuche name.

References and external links

*Donoso, C. 2005. "Árboles nativos de Chile. Guía de reconocimiento." Edición 4. Marisa Cuneo Ediciones, Valdivia, Chile. 136 p.
*Hoffmann, A. 1982. "Flora silvestre de Chile, Zona Araucana." Edición 4. Fundación Claudio Gay, Santiago. 258 p.
* [http://www.florachilena.cl/Niv_tax/Angiospermas/Ordenes/Oxidales/Cunoniaceae/Weinmannia/Tineo.htm"Weinmannia trichosperma" in Enciclopedia de la Flora Chilena]
* [http://www.dendroimage.de/3150.htm"Weinmannia trichosperma" in Scotland]
* [http://www.royalcaledonianhorticulturalsociety.org/journal2005/cg2005_5.pdf"Weinmannia trichosperma" and another exotic plants in Scotland]
* [http://www.seattle.gov/parks/proparks/projects/ArboretumReport.pdf"Weinmannia trichosperma" in Washington Park Arboretum]

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