- Glossary of game theory
Game theory is the branch ofmathematics in which games are studied: that is, models describing human behaviour. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.Definitions of a game
Notational conventions
Real numbers : .; The set of players : .; Strategy space : , where; Player i's strategy space : is the space of all possible ways in which player i can play the game.; A strategy for player i : is an element of .; complements : an element of , is a tuple of strategies for all players other than i.; Outcome space : is in most textbooks identical to - ; Payoffs : , describing how much gain (money, pleasure, etc.) the players are allocated by the end of the game.Normal form game
A game in normal form is a function::
Another way to put it is:
a "weak dictator" isalpha -effective for every possible outcome.
A "strong dictator" iseta -effective for every possible outcome.
A game can have no more than one "strong dictator". Some games have multiple "weak dictators" (in "rock-paper-scissors" both players are "weak dictators" but none is a "strong dictator").
See "Effectiveness". Antonym: "dummy".; Dominated outcome : Given a preference "ν" on the outcome space, we say that an outcome a is dominated by outcome a is (strictly) dominated if it is (strictly) dominated by some other outcome.
An outcome a is dominated for a coalition S if all players in S prefer some other outcome to a. See also Condorcet winner.; Dominated strategy : we say that strategy is (strongly) dominated by strategy
au _i if for any complement strategies tuplesigma _{-i} , player "i" benefits by playingau _i . Formally speaking:
forall sigma _{-i} in Sigma ^{-i} quad quadpi (sigma _i ,sigma _{-i} ) le pi ( au _i ,sigma _{-i} ) and
exists sigma _{-i} in Sigma ^{-i} quad s.t. quad pi (sigma _i ,sigma _{-i} ) < pi ( au _i ,sigma _{-i} ) .
A strategy σ is (strictly) dominated if it is (strictly) dominated by some other strategy.; Dummy : A player i is a dummy if he has no effect on the outcome of the the complement of S, the members of S can answer with strategies that ensure outcome a.
; Finite game : is a game with finitely many players, each of which has a finite set of strategies.
; Grand coalition : refers to the coalition containing all players. In cooperative games it is often assumed that the grand coalition forms and the purpose of the game is to find stable imputations.
; Mixed strategy : for player i is a probability distribution P on
Sigma ^i . It is understood that player i chooses a strategy randomly according to P.; Mixed Nash Equilibrium : Same as Pure Nash Equilibrium, defined on the space of mixed strategies. Every finite game has Mixed Nash Equilibria.
; Pareto efficiency : An the possible outcomes of the game. See allocation of goods.
; Pure Nash Equilibrium : An element
sigma = (sigma _i) _ {i in mathrm{N of the strategy space of a game is a "pure expected outcome. There are more than a few definitions of value, describing different methods of obtaining a solution to the game.; Veto : A veto denotes the ability (or right) of some player to prevent a specific alternative from being the outcome of the game. A player who has that ability is called a veto player.Antonym: "Dummy".
; Weakly acceptable game : is a game that has pure nash equilibria some of which are pareto efficient.
Zero sum game : is a game in which the allocation is constant over one player's gain is another player's loss. Most classical board games (e.g.chess ,checkers ) are zero sum.
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