Cherrystone Auctions

Cherrystone Auctions

Cherrystone Auctions is a philatelic auction house located in New York, New York. Cherrystone was founded in 1967 as a storefront, and in 1985 Cherrystone began holding public auctions. The store was closed shortly thereafter and Cherrystone now holds public auctions every six to eight weeks.

The auctions offer rare stamps and postal history, both U.S. and Worldwide.

Details of all auctions are available in printed catalogues. In addition, fully interactive catalogues are available on their website. Cherrystone also offers live interactive bidding through their website.

Notable Auctions

From time to time, Cherrystone holds "name sales", which are single owner sales usually representing a highly specialized area of philately.

Some of the notable collections include: the Philatelic Stock of John Ross, The Versailles Collection of French Proofs and Artists Drawings, (offered in three separate sales on behalf of the Catholic Archdiocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico), The Alex "Sandor" Kvassay Collection of Worldwide Air Mail, The Grabowski Collection of Poland, the Philatelic Stock of Roman Burkiwiecz, the "Famed" Stock of Souren Serebrakian, The Mikulski Collection of Imperial Russia (offered in two parts), The Roger Szymanski Air Mail Collection, The Gordey Denisenko Collection of Imperial Russia, The John Larson Collection of Worldwide Postage Dues, and the Debby Friedman Collection of Colombian Air Post.

External links

* [ Cherrystone's Official Website]

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