- Hiltrud Breyer
Hiltrud Breyer (born on
22 August 1957 inSaarbrücken )is a Germanpolitician andMember of the European Parliament with theGerman Green Party ,part of theEuropean Greens and sits ontheEuropean Parliament 'sCommittee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and itsCommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety .She is a substitute for the
Committee on Legal Affairs , substitute for theDelegation to theEU -Romania Joint Parliamentary Committee.Education
* Studied political
science inSaarbrücken and Berlin
* Founder member of the Greens
* posts include Regional Executive Spokeswoman for the Greens inSaarland
* Former Member of the Mandelbachtal Municipal CouncilCareer
* since 1989:
Member of the European Parliament
* Founder member of 'Gen-ethisches Netzwerk' (genetic ethics network)ee also
European Parliament election, 2004 (Germany) External links
* German documentary by RTL (English subtitles) about fraud in the EP [http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/161331/afc902e3/europarlementariers_zijn_zakkenvullers.html] Hiltrud Breyer appears from 3:40 to 4:17
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