- September 2007 bombings in Rawalpindi
The 4 September 2007 Rawalpindi bombings refer to the incident on
September 4 ,2007 in whichsuicide bomber s attacked a bus carrying Government workers exploded in acommercial district ofRawalpindi . It is estimated to have killed 25 people and injured 68 [ [http://www.dailypioneer.com/indexn12.asp?main_variable=front%5Fpage&file_name=story4%2Etxt&counter_] The Pioneer- September 5, 2007] . Police have increased security within the nearby Pakistani capital of
Islamabad .Events
The bombs exploded after 7:20 A.M. near the army General Headquarters and other top military sites. One attack was aimed at Defence Ministry bus picking up army staff passengers and an explosive laden
motorcycle caused the second attack, near amarket [ [http://www.hindu.com/2007/09/05/stories/2007090559960100.htm 25 killed in Rawalpindi blasts]The Hindu - September 05, 2007] .Bus attack
At 7:20 AM, the front of a bus carrying army staff passengers exploded, blowing off the roof and destroying all but the rearmost seats.cite web |url=http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia/article2927108.ece |title=Pakistani army hit as suicide bombers kill 25 |accessdate=2007-09-04 |last=Waraich |first=Omar |authorlink= |coauthors=Saeed Shah |date=2007-09-04 |publisher=
The Independent ] AlthoughInterior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema referred to the attack as a suicide bombing, a local police officer believes the bomb may been previously planted.cite web |url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-pakistan5sep05,0,3069129.story?coll=la-home-world |title=Pakistani capital on high alert after attacks |accessdate=2007-09-04 | last=Zaidi |first=Mubashir |coauthors=Henry Chu |date=2007-09-04 |publisher=Los Angeles Times ]Motorcycle
Approximately fifteen minutes after the first blast, a
suicide bomber crashed a motorcycle into nearby vehicles, killing at least onecolonel .uspects
Preliminary investigations concerning the September 2007 bombings in Rawalpindi note that the
Taliban figureBaitullah Mehsud is the primary suspect behind the attacks [ [http://www.dailyindia.com/show/171638.php/Baitullah-Mehsud-behind-attacks-in-Rawalpindi Baitullah Mehsud behind attacks in Rawalpindi] - Daily India] .References
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