

:"Or see as is (disambiguation)."Aziz, (Arabic,عزيز) originally a Syriac word and name, is also an Arabic name, and spans other areas such as Russia. "Aziz" in Arabic is derived from the root A-z-z and it means one that is 'powerful', 'strong', 'respected', and is a cognate of Hebrew "oz" - "might," "strength," "power.". Al-Aziz is one of the 99 names of God in the Islamic religion.

Aziz is a common name for people ranging from Assyrians to Kurds. It also exists in a feminine form, Aziza. The name "Aziz" is found over a vast geographical territory, spanning from North Africa to Europe and Asia, including Russia, Armenia, and others (such as New Zealand).

The name Aziz is also frequently used as a surname when adapting Arabic Names to Western naming systems; in Arabic, however, it is only a given name. See Arabic Name for details. As an example, Tariq Aziz; where Aziz is Tariq's father but it is used as a surname in English.

Sometimes in English the name is spelled "Azzyz". The prefix "Abdul" is also used often before the name Aziz, this is especially prevalent in Arab countries. Abdulaziz came from two words "Abd-" (which means slave of) and "Al-Aziz" (meaning in this case Allah).


* Philip Aziz - world famous artist from London, Ontario, Canada
* Aziz Ibrahim - a former Stone Roses guitarist
* Aziz Ansari - American stand-up comedian
* Aziz Mian - Pakistani singer
* Shaukat Aziz - Pakistani Prime minister
* Aziz Nesin - Turkish humorist and author
* Tariq Azeez - Is the most famous sri lankan.
* Tariq Aziz (bureaucrat) - Pakistani head of National Security Council and close-aide of Pervez Musharraf
* MA Aziz - Controversial chief election commissioner of Bangladesh
* Dr. Aziz - protagonist in E.M.Forster's novel A Passage to India
* Aziz Natour - Digital Artist / Graphic Designer
* Adnan Aziz, Professor ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin
* Aziz Mitry - Architect and owner of OrangeCUBE
* Aziz Miah Known as Azzstar, From London
* Aziz Sanusi

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