

Single infobox |
Name = Junge

Artist = Die Ärzte
from Album = Jazz ist anders
Released = October 5, 2007
Genre = Punk rock
Length = 3:07
Writer = Farin Urlaub
Label = Hot Action Records
Producer = Die Ärzte
Reviews =
Last single = "Die klügsten Männer der Welt"
This single = "Junge"
Next single = "Lied vom Scheitern"

"Junge" ("Boy") is a song by Die Ärzte. It's the sixth track and the first single from their 2007 album "Jazz ist anders". It debuted on the radio on August 31.

The song is about teens offending with their bad behaviour and appearance, ruining their childhood and life. The song describes a generation gap by referring the day-to-day criticisms (for example by parents) appealing to the boy to start a respectable life.

A Chinese language version of "Junge" was released on the compilation "Poptastic Conversation China" on August 1, 2008. [http://dieaerzte.at/news/2008/07/11/da-jetzt-auch-auf-chinesisch/]

The video

The video for the single is very graphic and depicts various violent attacks by zombies to town members, while the band "Die Ärzte" looks on helplessly from the top of a broadcast van and sings about teens ruining their lives. The zombies are finally overwhelming and Farin gets eaten at the end. It was directed by Norbert Heitker.

There is also a censored version of the single, which is meant to be funny. The zombies' faces are covered with other funny faces (most of the band members). The dripping blood in the beginning is blue. Some attack scenes are slightly covered and the worst of the attack scenes are covered by tags with funny messages like "I wouldn't show this scene to my children either!", "Entertainment has to become more family-friendly!", "This scene is unacceptable. I want to apologise for this!", "Luckily, the video is over now!", "Funny noises... Are they also on the single?". In the end, following message is displayed: "The Hot Action Zombie Association monitored the zombie action. No zombie was harmed in the making of this film."
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1UIzrDjhA YouTube] Uncensored video.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9n65Uhhrvs YouTube] Censored video.

Track listing

# Junge (Urlaub)
# Das schönste Lied der Welt (Felsenheimer)
# Tut mir leid (Felsenheimer)
# Junge (Video)


* "Das schönste Lied der Welt" ("The most beautiful song in the world") is about overcoming sadness and depression by writing the most beautiful song in the world.
* "Tut mir leid" ("I'm sorry") is about the consequences of being drunk.


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