Ethical Intuitive Extrovert

Ethical Intuitive Extrovert

The Ethical Intuitive Extrovert, EIE, ENFJ, the Actor, the Mentor, Hamlet, or types. The Ethical Intuitive Extrovert is a rational, extroverted, dynamic type whose leading functions are extroverted ethics and introverted intuition.

Model A

Ego block

1. Extroverted ethics

EIEs are naturally animate and passionate and are skilled at generating liveliness and excitement. They believe that people need to be emotionally involved in life, not distant or indifferent to the important things that are happening. EIEs often hold strong views about governance and social custom, though their beliefs stem from the interests of their close emotional relationships.

EIEs like to involve people in interaction and create groups based around a shared experience. They tend to try to continually broaden these groups and engage people who seem to be on the sidelines. The individuals who the EIE is spending time with are far more important to the EIE than the event that is actually taking place.

EIEs like to make their friends laugh, and employ an over the top style of humor. Often the joke is on the EIE, whether or not they know it.

2. Introverted intuition

EIEs have a keen sense of the significance of the moment, life's flow of events, and the past and future evolution of things. The excitement they stimulate generally has to do not with a specific situation or thing, but with the overall picture and other intangible things that can only be perceived over time.

EIEs love their friends, and they will do anything to keep them. Time spent alone for the EIE is often spent thinking about how to better interact with close relationships, even when time spent in those relationships is not particularly pleasing. Even when the other individual is hostile, if the EIE judges them to be a friend they will act in a caring fashion and show affection to the other.

Super-Ego block

3. Extroverted logic

EIEs do not easily focus on the procedural aspects of things where their emotions and excitement have no place.

Efficiency always takes the back seat when the feelings of others are involved. The EIE will often disregard how work is being done if friends are leading the effort. If an enemy is in charge the EIE will harass and defame the enemy if a procedure is not being done effectively.

4. Introverted sensing

EIEs reject the idea that life is just a sequence of ho-hum everyday events with no particular meaning. They want everything to have a grand or symbolic purpose (the T value) that arouses the imagination and passions.

The EIE is more likely to measure the comfortableness of conversation than other more physiological signs. Still, they are quite attuned to the physical sensations others are experiencing and use the information to raise and lower the emotional conditions that those individuals are experiencing.

Super-Id block

5. Introverted logic

EIEs admire people whose thinking is clear-cut, unambiguous, and stalwart, who reduce the myriad of possibilities down to one single option. This is something they are almost completely unable to do on their own, but have a deep need for in other people.

EIEs love to hear about information that their friends know. Talking about academic subjects, music, and movies expands the horizons of the EIE and gives them direction. Strangely, hearing the facts is usually just a side-note, the EIE deals with them just like anything else, in an Fe way. The information just gives them a new reason to see their friends, and more things to talk about with them.

6. Extroverted sensing

EIEs struggle with focus and willpower and have a need for something or someone that will focus them consistently and help rid them of their hesitation and doubt.

Id block

7. Introverted ethics

EIEs understand interpersonal relationships and their own sentiments towards things and people, but they prefer to focus on the external side of these things (what happened, who said what and how they said it, etc.) and not dig around in people's minds or internal motives.

8. Extroverted intuition

EIEs can generate random ideas or come up with lots of crazy alternatives for fun, but they prefer to focus on understanding the development of a particular situation and not be distracted with possibilities that are outside that situation.

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