Edwin Shneidman

Edwin Shneidman

Dr. Edwin S. Shneidman (born May 13, 1918 in York, Pennsylvania) is a noted American suicidologist/thanatologist. He with co-workers from the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center provided a major stimulus to research into suicide and its prevention. He was the founder of the American Association of Suicidology and of the principal United States journal for suicide studies, "Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior." He is Professor of Thanatology Emeritus at the University of California and lives in Los Angeles.


* "Clues to Suicide" (with Norman L. Farberow; 1957)
* "Cry for Help" (with Norman L. Farberow; 1961)
* "Essays in Self Destruction" (1967)
* "The Psychology of Suicide: A Clinician's Guide to Evaluation and Treatment" (with Norman L. Farberow and Robert E. Litman; 1970)
* "Death and the College Student: A Collection of Brief Essays on Death and Suicide by Harvard Youth" (1973)
* "Deaths of Man" (1973)
* "Suicidology: Contemporary Developments" (1976)
* "Voices of Death" (1980)
* "Suicide Thoughts and Reflections, 1960-1980" (1981)
* " Death: Current Perspectives" (1984)
* " The Definition of Suicide" (1985)
* "Suicide as Psychache: A Clinical Approach to Self-Destructive Behavior" (1993)
* "The Suicidal Mind" (1998)
* "Lives & Deaths: Selections from the Works of Edwin S. Shneidman" (1999)
* "Comprehending Suicide: Landmarks in 20th-Century Suicidology" (2001)
* "Autopsy of a Suicidal Mind" (2004)
* "Managing Suicidal Risk : A Collaborative Approach" (2006)


* [http://www.cartercenter.org/news/documents/doc1755.html "His Work is Still Full of Life"] ; Los Angeles Times; 2004



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