

Rusa'h is a fictional character from the 'Saga of Seven Suns' series of novels by Kevin J. Anderson.


The third born son of Mage-Imperator Cyroc'h, and therefore the assigned designate for the world of Hyrillka. Hyrillka being a pleasure world focussing mainly upon the entertainment of its elite rulers spoiled Rusa'h who was seen as soft and weak by his father Cryoc'h.
Hyrillka is also the world where Thor'h, the first noble born son of Jora'h, lived under his uncles excessive influence for a number of years. As a result of the extravagant treatment he lavished upon Thor'h, Rusa'h exerted more influence over the young man than his father. During the Hydrogue attack that devastated Hyrillka Rusa'h was severely injured and as a result slipped into a state of unconcioussness known as a "Sub-Thism" sleep. Which in effect meant that he was not connected, nor could he be detected through the great telepathic web that connects the whole Illdiran speices.

During the death of his father Rusa'h did not feel the impact of the severing of "Thism" like the rest of his species and also did not feel the re-knitting of it under his elder brother Jora'h. This is likely the reason for Rusa'h's later actions.

Upon awakening with a significantly changed personality he was alarmingly undetectable to Mage-Imperator Jora'h. He was nonetheless returned to Hyrillka to aid in the reconstruction of the shattered world and to groom his successor and nephew Pery'h, and accompanied by the ever loyal Thor'h.

Upon his return it became clear he was no longer interested in indulging his previous desires and interests and had acquired drive. It became clear that Rusa'h had indeed been cut off from the "Thism" and had acquired the beliefs that the Illdiran race was being corrupted and following the wrong path to its true destiny.

He commanded all citizens of Hyrillka to partake of a potent pleasurable drug known as Shiing (that distorts the "Thism" web) in its purest form . Once this was complete he then denounced his brother and taking advantage of the drugged populations weak "Thism" connection imitated the castration ceremony and made himself Mage-Imperator of Hyrillka, creating a rival to his brother and rightful Mage-Imperator Jora'h.

He then declared his intention to wage war upon the rest of the Illdrian empire and to spread his "Thism" across the empire so that his 'true' judegment of Illdiran destiny could unfold as he saw fit.

He was voluntarily joined by the Prime-Designate Thor'h who abandoned his father. He however was not joined by hie younger and stronger nephew Pery'h who refused to betray his father and leader and as a result Rusa'h had him publicly and violently executed.

Appearances/ Sources

*Hidden Empire
*A Forest of Stars
*Horizon Storms
*Scattered Suns
*Of Fire and Night
*Metal Swarm
*The Ashes of Worlds

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