name =

caption = ILIAS Personal Desktop
developer = University of Cologne
latest_release_version = 3.9.2
latest_release_date = Feb 4, 2008
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Learning Management System
license = GPL
website =

ILIAS is an open source web-based learning management system (LMS). It supports learning content management (including SCORM 2004 compliance) and tools for collaboration, communication, evaluation and assessment. The software is published under the GNU Public License and can be run on every server that supports PHP and MySQL.


The first prototype of ILIAS LMS has been developed since end of 1997 within the VIRTUS project at University of Cologne. At November 2, 1998 version 1 of the learning management system ILIAS has been published and offered for learning at the Cologne faculty of business administration, economics and social sciences. In 2000 ILIAS has become open source software.


Personal Desktop

ILIAS provides a "Personal Desktop" for every user.

* Listing of selected courses, groups and learning resources
* Personal profile and settings like password and system language
* Bookmark Management
* Personal Notes
* External Web Feeds
* Internal News
* Calendar
* Personal Learning Progress

Course Management

* Enrollment Settings
* Learning Resource Management
* Time triggered/Conditional Access
* Learning Progress Tracking for Members
* Member Gallery and (Google) Map
* Course News and Announcements


* Group Management
* Awareness Feature
* vCard Export
* File Sharing


* Internal Messaging
* Chat
* Forum
* Podcasting
* Learning


* Question Types: Multiple choice, cloze, numerical, matching, ordering,
* Question Pools for Re-Using
* Randomization of questions and choices
* IMS-QTI Import and Export


* Survey Tool
* Reporting and Analysis

Learning Content / Authoring

* XML-based learning document format, exports to HTML, XML and SCORM
* SCORM 1.2 (Certified for SCORM-Conformance Level LMS-RTE3)
* SCORM 2004 (Certified as LMS for SCORM 2004 3rd Edition)
* Open Office Import Tool (eLAIX)
* LaTeX-Support
* HTML Site Import
* File Management (all formats)


* Role Based Access System
* Authentication CAS, LDAP, SOAP, RADIUS und Shibboleth
* Individual Templates / Skins
* Support for Multiple clients
* PayPal-Payment
* SOAP Interface

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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