- Gregorian (band)
Gregorian is a German band, headed by
Frank Peterson , performingGregorian chant -inspired versions of modern pop and rock songs. Because it features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment, the music cannot be considered true Gregorian chant.Originally, Gregorian was conceived as a more pop-oriented group in the vein of Enigma. Under this concept, they recorded the 1991 album "Sadisfaction", with lead vocals provided by The Sisters of Oz: Susana Espelleta (Peterson's wife at the time) and Birgit Freud. However, this was the only album in that style.
In 1998, Peterson and his team re-invented the project to perform popular songs in the Gregorian style. The criteria for song selection were strict; in order to be considered, a song needed to be translatable into the 7-tone scale. After the songs were chosen, twelve vocalists - previously acclaimed session and choir singers - were hired.
Each Gregorian album is initially digitally tracked at Nemo Studios, Peterson's
Hamburg studio. The vocalists then record their parts in a church atmosphere with dimmed lights and candles, in order to escape what Peterson referred to in a 2001 interview as the "cold and technical" studio atmosphere. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20010828182429/http://theage.com.au/entertainment/2001/08/26/FFXR2DDASQC.html Q&A: Frank Peterson] .The Age . August 26, 2001. Retrieved August 6, 2006.]The concept proved to be successful, and the group proceeded to record several more "
Masters of Chant " albums in the same style. Their 2004 album, "The Dark Side", was a slight departure from the others, featuring a darker repertoire consistent with the title.In 2005, "
The Masterpieces ", acompilation album with a live DVD, was released.A fifth Masters of Chant album was released on March 31, 2006.
A sixth Masters of Chant album was released on September 28, 2007.
* 1991: "
Sadisfaction "
* 1999: "Masters of Chant "
* 2001: "Masters of Chant Chapter II "
* 2002: "Masters of Chant Chapter III "
* 2003: "Masters of Chant Chapter IV "
* 2004: "Gregorian - The Dark Side " called "Masters of Chant V" in Oceania but distinct from the 2006 album of that name
* 2005: "The Masterpieces " (Best Of CD+Live DVD)
* 2005: "The Masterpieces Jewel Case! " (Live DVD+Best Of CD)
* 2006: "Masters of Chant Chapter V "
* 2006: "Christmas Chants "
* 2007: "Masters of Chant Chapter VI "Notes
External links
* [http://www.gregorian.de/ Official site (GER, EN)]
* [http://www.myspace.com/gregorianmastersofchantusa Official Myspace]
* [http://www.gregorian-music.com Fan Site (GER, EN, RU)]
* [http://gregorians.bravehost.com/index2.html Fan Site (EN)]
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