- Zakatala State Reserve
The reserve of Zakatala, located north of
Azerbaijan , was created in 1929 on a surface of 25.218 ha, the southern slopes of the biggerCaucasus .With highest altitudes, one notes the presence of glaciers and alpine meadows. To the foot of the mountains extend from beautiful forests of leafy trees, mainly made up of Eastern Beeches (Fagus orientalis.
The fauna of mammals is rich, including/understanding Brown bears of the Caucasus and lynxes.In fact especially the birds will attract the visitors, with a beautiful diversity of raptors: Golden eagle (Aquilla chrysaetos), Percnoptère of Egypt (Neophron percnopterus, fawn-coloured Vulture (Gyps fulvus), but especially bearded Gypaète (Gypaetus barbatus) and Vulture monk (Aegypius monachus).
Among the local specialties, one notes the presence of the Sparrowhawk will shikra (Accipiter badius) in the ripisylves along the rivers and Tétraogalle of the Caucasus (Tetraogallus caucasicus) in the rock falls.
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