M200G Volantor

M200G Volantor

The M200G Volantor is a prototype of a flying saucer-style hovercraft, designed by aeronautics engineer Paul Moller. The vehicle is envisioned as a precursor to the Moller Skycar M400. The M200G Volantor uses a system of eight computer-controlled fans to hover up to convert|10|ft|m|0 above the ground.Cite news | work = Herald Sun | title = Flying Jetsons come of age with hover pod | url = http://www.news.com.au/travel/story/0,23483,22208755-36335,00.html | accessdate = 2007-08-30] Volantor is a term coined by Moller meaning "a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that is capable of flying in a quick, nimble and agile manner."


The M200G Volantor is a circular craft with seats in the middle for two passengers and a control panel. The vehicle is 3 feet (.9 meters) tall and 10 feet (3 meters) in diameter. Eight Wankel rotary engines power eight enclosed fans. The fans allow for vertical take-off and landing and, once the vehicle is aloft, rely upon the ground effect to create a cushion of air that the vehicle sits upon while flying. The eight separate engines exist for redundancy, allowing the craft to continue flying if one engine goes out. If two engines go out, the craft will make a "survivable hard landing". The engines can be powered with gasoline, diesel or ethanol fuels.Cite news | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/6970031.stm | title = 'Flying saucer' nears US take-off | work = BBC News | date= 2007-08-30 | accessdate = 2007-08-30]

The computer system monitors stability and the vehicle has only two controls, one for speed and direction and the other for altitude. The computer system also prevents the machine from flying higher than convert|10|ft|m|0 above the ground. Per Federal Aviation Administration regulations, any vehicle which flies above 10 feet is regulated as an aircraft. The M200G Volantor is expected to be capable of travel over any terrain at speeds up to 50 mph (80 km/h).Cite news | title = Flying Saucers Go Into Production | work = Sky News | date= 2007-08-03 | accessdate = 2007-08-30 | url = http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-1278332,00.html]


Paul Moller, the vehicle's inventor, has been working to bring a flying vehicle to the mass market for four decades without success, most notably his Moller Skycar M400. Moller envisions the vehicles becoming part of a "Highway in the sky" that would help relieve congestion on roadways.

Moller has made several attempts to sell a Skycar M400 on eBay but the reserve bidding price was not reached. News reports have been skeptical that the M200G vehicle will come to market, citing a case by the Securities and Exchange Commission which noted that in 1997 promotional materials for the Skycar had predicted 10,000 units sold by 2002.

Moller and his team claim that over 200 test flights of the M200G Volantor have already been conducted, though these flights rely on ground effect and do not necessarily suggest significant movement toward the goals set forth for the flagship model, the Skycar M400. Moller has predicted they will have the vehicle ready for sale by early 2008 with a goal of 250 units produced in the year. Depending upon demand, the vehicle could cost under US$100,000 according to the company. As of August 2007, Moller had not yet established if the vehicle will be regulated by the United States Federal Aviation Administration or the Department of Transportation. However, Moller International has a long track record of promising production models within the next year, each time moving the date out to the next year, which brings this into doubt.


Discovery Channel's MythBusters has reported that more than 200 million US dollars have gone into the development of the Skycar. Moller has been claiming to be attempting to build a flying car since 1974, constantly promising delivery dates that are just "around the corner" but the closest Moller has come to producing a vehicle that flies is the M200G Volantor, which has been demonstrated to hover outside of ground effect. He has not produced any evidence or figures to support the promised abilities, such as fuel economy equivalent to an automobile in spite of using 8 less fuel-efficient Wankel engines in each proposed model, each of which must remain running at high RPM. [ [http://www.downside.com/scams/moller/ Paul Moller and his (non) flying car ] ] The only demonstration approaching flight was a "hover" performed by a Skycar prototype that was tethered to a crane, "for insurance purposes" Moller claims. [ [http://www.moller.com/test.htm Test ] ] Each time the deadline approaches, Moller has postponed it. For example, since 2003, when he started taking presale deposits for the flagship model M400, the date for FAA certification promised to investors and buyers has slipped one year each year, and currently stands at December 31, 2008 [ [http://www.moller.com/purc.htm Purchase Skycar] from Moller official website] . In 2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission sued Moller for civil fraud "(Securities And Exchange Commission v. Moller International, Inc., and Paul S. Moller, Defendants)" in connection with the sale of unregistered stock, and for making unsubstantiated claims about the performance of the companies flagship M400 Skycar. Moller settled this lawsuit by agreeing to a permanent injunction and paying $50,000. [ [http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/lr17987.htm Securities And Exchange Commission v. Moller International, Inc., and Paul S. Moller, Defendants] from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website] In the words of the SEC complaint, "As of late 2002, MI's approximately 40 years' of development has resulted in a prototype Skycar capable of hovering about fifteen feet above the ground." [ [http://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/comp17987.htm Complaint: Moller International, Inc., and Paul S. Moller] from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website]


External links

* [http://www.moller.com/files/M200_Brochure.pdf Moller brochure] for the M200G Volantor.

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