- Louis Ramond de Carbonnières
Louis François Élisabeth Ramond, baron de Carbonnières (
January 4 ,1755 Strasbourg –May 14 ,1827 ), was a Frenchpolitician ,geologist andbotanist . He is regarded as one of the first explorers of the high mountains of thePyrenees who can be described as a "pyrénéiste". [Henri Béraldi, "A Hundred years in the Pyrenees", reprinting by the friends of the Pyrenean Book, Pau, 1977, volume 1.Life
Louis Ramond was born in
Strasbourg , to Pierre-Bernard Ramond (1715–1796), treasurer of war, and Reine-Rosalie Eisentraut (1732–1762).He studied law at the
University of Strasbourg in 1775 and became a lawyer in February 1777. In Strasbourg he became friends with another student,Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751–1792), a writer belonging to the then-fashionable "Sturm und Drang " movement. During this period Ramond discovered German Romantic literature, in particular Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther "; this book inspired him to become a writer and in 1777 he published the "Werther"-influenced "Les Dernières aventures du jeune d’Olban" ("The Last Adventures of Young Olban"). Ramond undertook a voyage toSwitzerland in May 1777 where he met writers and poets, as well as scientists: thetheologian Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741–1801), and the zoologistsAlbrecht von Haller (1708–1777) andCharles Bonnet (1720–1793); he also came across his friend Lenz there. The two men shared what was by all accounts an ecstatic experience contemplating the valley of theRhine . Ramond also caught the passion for high mountains. A few days later, Lenz suffered his first bout of insanity. In 1778, Ramond published "Élégies", impressions inspired by his love for nature. Extracts from this work were published the same year in the "Journal de Dames" of Claude-Joseph Dorat (1734–1780).In 1779, Ramond and his father settled in Paris. In 1780, Ramond published "La Guerre d’Alsace pendant le Grand Schisme d’Occident" ("The War of Alsace during the Great Western Schism"), a romantic and historical epic. But the French capital was not yet ready for German Romanticism and the book was not received as well as he had hoped.
Leaving Paris he returned to Strasbourg, where he placed himself at the service of cardinal Louis René Édouard de Rohan (1734–1803), prince of Rohan-Guemenée and cardinal-archbishop of Strasbourg, celebrated for his role in the affair of the diamond necklace. In the company of the prince, Ramond travelled widely and met many of the personalities of the age. or limestone, which was believed to be older rock.
When the cardinal was authorized to return to Strasbourg in December 1788, Ramond settled in Paris, where in 1789 he published his "Observations faites dans les Pyrénées, pour servir de suite à des observations sur les Alpes" ("Observations Made in the Pyrenees, To Be Useful in Observations of the Alps"). To improve his knowledge of natural history, he followed the courses of Jussieu (1748–1836) and René Desfontaines (1780–1831) in the
Jardin des Plantes . He also launched himself into politics, beng elected a deputy of Paris in September 1791 and joining the Club des Feuillants. In 1792 he defended the refractory priests whose deportation had been voted for. Ramond passionately supported the action of La Fayette, who tried to temper the over-enthusiasm of theJacobins . His life in danger, Ramond decided to flee Paris in August and seek refuge in the Pyrenees. Under surveillance and regarded as suspect, he left forBarèges , where he was able to indulge in his botanizing and mountain observations to his heart’s content.He was arrested in 1794 and accused of being an enemy of the Revolution. Imprisoned in
Tarbes for seven months, his was a lucky escape from theguillotine .From 1796 he devoted himself exclusively to natural history. He corresponded with Philippe Picot of Lapeyrouse (1744–1818) and various botanists such as René Desfontaines, Jean Thore (1762–1823) and Domenica Villars (1745–1814). From 1796, he taught as professor of natural history at the new Central School of Tarbes, ["Le dictionnaire des Pyrénées, encyclopédie France-Espagne", sous la direction d'André Lévy, Éditions Privat, Toulouse, 1999.] , where his courses were an immediate success, and he soon became a specialist in the botany and geology of the central Pyrenees. In 1797, he was finally able to concentrate on a project which had long intrigued him: to reach the top of
Monte Perdido (3,355 m) to counter the theories of Dolomieu and Lapeyrouse on the 'early era' of the limestone of the central chain. The expedition, which comprised about fifteen people, including Picot of Lapeyrouse and several of Ramond's pupils, found many fossils, but did not reach the top. The account of the expedition appeared in 1797 under the title of "Voyage au Mont-Perdu et dans la partie adjacente des Hautes-Pyrénées" ("Voyage to Monte Perdido and the neighbouring parts of the High Pyrenees"). On 7 September of the same year, again accompanied by his pupils andCharles-François Brisseau de Mirbel (1776–1854), Ramond made a second attempt. The administrator and forester Étienne-François Dralet (1760–1844) also took part in the expedition. But it was only in 1802 that he reached finally the top. Ramond reported this ascent in the "Journal de Mines" (in Thermidor year XI). He corresponded in particular with René Just Haüy (1743–1822),Alexandre Brongniart (1770–1847) and Jean Florimond Boudon de Saint-mercy (1748–1831).After the Central School of Tarbes closed, he returned to Paris in 1800 as a member of the Constitutional Council. From 1800 to 1806, he worked with the Parliament, as well as taking part in the work of the "Société des Observateurs de l'Homme" and becoming a member of the
French Academy of Sciences in January 1802. He married Bonne-Olympe in 1805, widow of General Louis-Nicolas Chérin, and the daughter of his friend Bon-Joseph Dacier (1742–1833). As a friend ofNapoleon , Ramond was named vice-president of theCorps législatif , then in 1806 he became prefect ofPuy-de-Dôme . He spent more time, however, botanizing and making weather measurements than occupying himself with administration. This did not prevent him from being made baron d' Empire in December 1809.In 1815 he published "Nivellement des Monts Dorés et des Monts Dômes disposé par ordre de terrains", ("Stratification of the Monts Dorés and the Monts Dômes"). The same year, he was elected deputy of Puy-de-Dôme. In 1818 he was elected to the
Conseil d'État and did not leave Paris again except to go to Auvergne. In 1821, he spent the summer in Auvergne with René Desfontaines and two young naturalists,Victor Jacquemont (1801–1832) and Count Hippolyte Jaubert (1798–1874). He published finally, in 1825, "Sur l’état de la végétation au sommet du Pic du Midi", ("On the Condition of the Vegetation on the Summit of the Pic du Midi"), this being thePic du Midi de Bigorre , not its more shapely namesake. On his death in 1827 Ramond was buried in the cemetery ofMontmartre .Commemoration
* One endemic Pyrenean species, "
Ramonda pyrenaica "http://www.afleurdepau.com/Flore/gesne/ramonde/x.htm Page dedicated to "Ramonda pyrenaica" (in French) in the familyGesneriaceae – a remnant of the flora of theTertiary – was dedicated to him by the botanistJean Michel Claude Richard (1787–1868). It grows between an elevation of 1,200 m and 2,500 m in the cracks ofschist rocks. There are two other species in the genus "Ramonda", "R. nathaliae" and "R. serbica", both of which are found in theBalkans ; the genus is the only one in the Gesneriaceae found outside the tropics or the sub-tropics.
* TheSoum de Ramond (3,263 m) (known in Spanish as Pico Añisclo) in theMonte Perdido massif is named after him.http://www.summitpost.org/mountain/rock/154763/a-isclo-soum-de-ramond.html Soum de Ramond on SummitPost. (See photograph above left.)
* His name is also given toPic Ramougn (3,011 m), a steep, rocky peak in the
* Bory de Saint Vincent gave Ramond's name to a chain of craters ("Puy Ramond") on thePiton de la Fournaise inRéunion : they are regularly visited by walkers on the GR route which crosses Réunion from north to south, and by the thousands of runners who take part in the "Diagonale des Fous" each year.
* The "Société Ramond" (Ramond Society) was formed in 1865 inBagnères-de-Bigorre , by Henry Russell (1834–1909), Émilien Frossard (1829–1898), Farnham Maxwell-Lyte (1826-1906) and Charles Packe (1826–1896). It wanted to distinguish itself from traditional academic societies, while still being devoted primarily to the scientific and ethnographic study of the Pyrenees and to the dissemination of knowledge. Ramond, who had excelled in these disciplines, was the best symbol for the new society. The Ramond Society still publishes an annual bulletin.
*Ramond'sherbarium can be seen at the Muséum de l'histoire naturelle in Bagnères-de-Bigorre.References
*Benoît Dayrat, "Les Botanistes et la Flore de France, trois siècles de découvertes", 2003, Publication scientifiques du
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle , 690 pp.
*Henri Béraldi, "Cent ans aux Pyrénées", Paris, 1898–1904, seven volumes in octavo. Reissued by Les Amis du Livre Pyrénéen, Pau, 1977, then by the Librairie des Pyrénées et de Gascogne, Pau, 2001.External links
* [http://pedagogie.ac-toulouse.fr/histgeo/monog/picmidi/ramon/ramond1.htm Ramond and the Pic du Midi]
* [http://www.ramond-societe.com Site of the Ramond Society]
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