Punyamurtula Kishore

Punyamurtula Kishore

name = Dr. Punyamurtula Kishore
birth_date =
birth_place =
death_date =
death_place =
residence = Massachusetts, USA
citizenship = India
nationality =
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field = Addiction Medicine
work_institution = [http://www.addictionmedicineassociates.com/ Addiction Medicine Associates,] Brookline, MA
[http://www.nationallibraryofaddictions.org/ National Library of Addictions]
alma_mater = [http://www.andhrauniversity.info/ MD From Andhra University in India]
Master's Degree in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health
Bridgewater State College
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
author_abbreviation_bot =
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prizes = 2007 recipient of the D. Elton Trueblood Community Builder Award
[http://www.fsrconline.org/ Fresh Start Recovery Coalition]
Boston Celtics [http://www.nba.com/celtics/community/heroes_among_us.html "Heroes Among Us" award]
[http://www.theschwartzcenter.org/programs/caregiver.html National Compassionate Caregiver Award,] Honorable Mention, from the [http://www.theschwartzcenter.org/ Schwartz Foundation]
1994 [http://www.amersa.org/ AMERSA] Best Abstract Award for “Home Detoxification for Substance Abuse”
One of [http://www.bostoneventguide.com/index.html Boston Event Guide’s] “30 Extraordinary Bostonians” in 2004
religion =
footnotes =

Punyamurtula S. Kishore is the medical director of "Addiction Medicine Associates" (Brookline, Massachusetts).

Kishore has been a practicing public health scientist for over 30 years. He began his medical career as a primary care/family practice physician and then moved into a position as the Medical Director of the Washingtonian Center for Addictions, the first organization in the U.S. to recognize addiction as a disease. Their philosophy was an early precursor to the AA or 12-step program movement. Kishore has been a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine since 1986 and has helped treat more than 140,000 addicts.

At [http://www.addictionmedicineassociates.com/ Addiction Medicine Associates] Kishore treats addictions with his ‘sobriety maintenance’ method. This unique health model stresses the prescription of non-toxic substances, provides patients with coping skills they need to remain sober and tailors treatment to specific medical conditions. Kishore also administers “de-addiction” treatment, a process that treats emotional addiction as well as the physical addiction. Patients have access to home detoxification, an inexpensive and more effective option to in-patient care which allows them to maintain their dignity while learning how to cope with the temptations found in their own environments.

In 1993 Kishore founded [http://www.nationallibraryofaddictions.org/ National Library of Addictions] in Brookline, Massachusetts. To support work in addictions treatment, the Library is designed to provide a non-profit structure for addiction professionals to exchange ideas and to further the development of treatment methodologies.

He was honored by the Boston Celtics with a [http://www.nba.com/celtics/community/heroes_among_us.html "Heroes Among Us" award] , given to those who make a significant impact on the lives of others. Kishore is also the recipient of a national [http://www.theschwartzcenter.org/programs/caregiver.html Compassionate Caregiver Award] , Honorable Mention, from the [http://www.theschwartzcenter.org/ Schwartz Foundation] .

Kishore served as a faculty member of Harvard and as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts. He holds his Master's Degree in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health, in addition to Certificates in Addiction Studies and Forensic Psychology from Bridgewater State College.


* [http://www.patriotledger.com/articles/2007/10/11/business/biz01.txt Quincy Patriot Ledger]

* [http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1015152/drunken_divas_bad_news_for_rehab/index.html Red Orbit]

* [http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071018/OPINION/710180349 Cape Cod Times]

* [http://www.thereminder.com/Localnews/chicopee/recoveringaddictse/ Springfield Reminder]

* [http://www.dailynewstranscript.com/archive/x1607023678 Norwood Daily News Transcript]

* [http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2004/07/08/young_ambassadors_share_stories_of_addiction_recovery/ Boston.com]

* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9F05E6D61538F931A3575AC0A965948260 ALCOHOLISM TESTS BACK DISEASE IDEA - NewYork Times]

* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=6136692&dopt=Citation National Center for Biotechnology Information]

* [http://www.homedetox.net/pressreleases/ No quick fix from this doc]

* [http://www.jointogether.org/news/yourturn/commentary/2006/many-roads-lead-to-recovery.html Many roads lead to recovery]

* [http://dpna.org/resources/books/parenting.htm Parenting in a time of drug abuse]

* [http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1130/p11s02-legn.html?s=u1 A drug kids take insearch of better grades]

* [http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-154329768.html Largest Addiction Outpatient Treatment Provider in Massachusetts]

* [http://www.nba.com/celtics/community/heroes_2004_11.html Boston Celtics Heroes Among Us Award]

* [http://www.nationallibraryofaddictions.org/ National Library of Addictions]

* [http://www.addictionmedicineassociates.com/ Addiction Medicine Associates Homepage]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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