Jean-Marc Leclercq

Jean-Marc Leclercq

Jean-Marc LECLERCQ (aka JoMo) is a french singer and esperantist from Toulouse ("Tolosa" in occitan language). The former singer of the group "Les Rosemary’s Babies" (or "La Rozmariaj Beboj") who published two CDs with the french record production company "Boucherie et Willins Production", he holds the Guinness Record for singing rock and traditional songs in over 22 languages.

He also plays with two groups, as "Jomo and the Libertarians" ("JoMo kaj Liberecanoj"); and occasionally with "Jomo and the Mammoths" ("JoMo kaj la mamutoj").


*"Jomo slavumas" (2006)
*"Hotel Desperado, de Esperanto Desperado (2004) - JoMo sings lead in the song "Ne permesas".
*"JoMo Friponas!" (2001)
*# Ĉu vi volas danci?
*# La Bambo!
*# Lernu nun
*# La simiulo
*# Esperanto
*# Sur la mar'
*# Ĵambalajo
*# Kisu min
*# Al Durruti
*# En la IJK
*# Hej la nizoj!
*# La virbovo kaj la luno
*# Sub potenco de la legxo
*# Suno sunu!
*"JoMo kaj Liberecanoj" (1998) - part of "Kolekto 2000"
*# Al la barikadoj
*# Maĥnovŝĉino
*# La eskapinto
*# Kajuna knabo
*# La blondulineto
*# Alumetujo
*# Ĉeboksaro
*# Kun ci
*"Vinilkosmo-kompil' 2" (1996) - He sings only in one song: "Ali Bensali".
*"Vinilkosmo-kompil' 1" (1995) - La Rozmariaj Beboj sing one song: "Cxe vi min forprenu".

External links

* [ Review (in Esperanto) of "JoMo kaj Liberecanoj"] in "Monato"
* [ Review (in Esperanto) of "JoMo friponas"] el in "Monato"
* [ Homepage of JoMo (kaj Liberecanoj)] in MusicExpress - Short bio and mp3 files.
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2004-05-03] - This broadcast has the song "En la IJK"
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2004-05-10] - This broadcast has the song "La Bambo!"
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2004-08-02] - This broadcast has the song "Kisu min"
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2004-09-06] - This broadcast has the songs "Esperanto" and "Lernu nun"
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2005-02-28] - This broadcast has the song "Al Durruti"
* [ Radio 3ZZZ 2005-03-21] - This broadcast has the song "Hej la nizoj!"

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