Achille Torelli

Achille Torelli

Achille Torelli (1844 – 1922) was an Italian playwright.

He was born in Naples in 1844 and was said to be of Albanian descent. His first success was the comedy, "After Death" written at the age of seventeen, and acted at Naples and then at Turin. This was succeeded by several comedies, most of which were successful.

Torelli volunteered for the Italian army in the campaign of 1866, and was laid up for several months in consequence of a fall from his horse at Custoza. He later produced a long list of plays, both tragedies and comedies, of which perhaps the best is "Triste Realtà" (1871) which won the applause of the veteran Manzoni. Angelo de Gubernatis considered Torelli's "I Mariti" a masterpiece ["Dizionario biografico degli scrittori contemporanei". Angelo de Gubernatis. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1979] although few would consider it a comedy.

Torelli lived a very retired life, spending most of his time in study and writing. He died in 1922.


*"The Humour of Italy", A. Werner

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