Andreas Franz Frühwirth

Andreas Franz Frühwirth

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Andreas Franz Cardinal Frühwirth| dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
See=Eraclea (titular see)|

Andreas Franz Cardinal Frühwirth (21 August 1845 - 9 February 1933) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was former Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiary.

Andreas Franz Frühwirth was born in St. Anna am Aigen, Austria.His baptismal name was Franz. His last name is also listed as Frühwirt.


He joined the Order of Preachers on 13 September 1863 in Graz and changed his baptismal name to Andreas. He was professed on September 13, 1864. He studied at the Dominican houses of studies where he studied philosophy and theology and later at the Pontifical Roman Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas from 1869 to 1870.


He was ordained to the priesthood on 5 July 1868 in Graz. He served as a Professor of theology for six years in the Dominican College of Graz and was its prior from 1872-1875 and the Prior of the order in Vienna from 1876 to 1880. He was elected master general of his order in the general chapter of Lyon on September 19 1891, he occupied the post until 21 May 1904. He served as a consultor of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office from 19 December 1906. He was named nuncio to the Kingdom of Bavaria by Pope Pius X on 26 October 1907.


He was appointed titular archbishop of "Eraclea" by Pope Pius on 5 November 1907. He was consecrated on 30 November at the National Teutonic church of S. Maria dell'Anima, Rome, by Rafael Merry del Val, Cardinal Secretary of State, assisted by Diomede Panici, titular archbishop of Laodicea, secretary of the Congregation of Rites, and by Giuseppe Cecchini, O.P., titular bishop of Alicarnaso, archpriest of Altamura and Acquaviva delle Fonti.


He was created cardinal priest of "Ss. Cosma e Damiano" (deaconry elevated pro hac vice to title) by Pope Benedict XV in the consistory of 6 December 1915. He remained in nunciature until November 1916. He participated in the conclave of 1922 that elected Pope Pius XI. He was appointed Major Penitentiary on 8 January 1925 holding the post until December 9 1927. Upon his appointment as Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church he took the title of "San Lorenzo in Damaso". He died in 1933

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