Euthamia occidentalis

Euthamia occidentalis

Taxobox | name = "Euthamia occidentalis"

image_width = 230px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
tribus = Astereae
genus = "Euthamia"
species = "E. occidentalis"
binomial = "Euthamia occidentalis"
binomial_authority = Nutt.

"Euthamia occidentalis" is a flowering plant known by the common names western goldentop and western goldenrod. It is a scrubby perennial plant with many green stems which age into a dull brownish-green, small leaves, and plentiful yellowish clusters of flowers. It is a common plant of western North America, where it is most likely to be found near water, such as ditches and marshes.

External links

* [ USDA Plants Profile]
* [ Species account and photos]
* [ Jepson Manual Treatment]

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