Rouen Baseball 76

Rouen Baseball 76

The Rouen Baseball 76 is a French club of baseball founded in 1986. The " Huskies " evolve/move in championnat of France Elite and the matches in residence are disputed with Ground Pierre Rolland with Rouen. Another team evolves/moves in Main road 1.


* Champion of France: 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007.
* Winner of Challenge of France: 2002, 2007.
* Finalist of the Challenge of France: 2003, 2005.
* Finalist of the Cut of Europe of the Champions (group A): 2007.
* Winner of the Cut of Europe of the Champions (B) group: 2004, 2006.


beginnings of Huskies

The club was rested by Pierre Yves Rolland, Xavier Roland, Marcel Brihiez and Charles Michel Do Marcolino. Its statutes were deposited in prefecture in March 1986.

Initially, the drives proceed on the Island Lacroix behind the skating rink. And already appear in the group of the boys like Marc Bourguignon, Herve Dez, François Riembault and Laurent Destrumelle, in particular. They will carry several seasons the shirt rouennais.This shirt precisely, it will be that of the Yankees of New York, celebrates it white shirt with fine blue stripes. Shirts inaugurated at the time of the first match in the history of the club, one Saturday after midday vis-a-vis Wood-Guillaume.

The balls falling too often into the Seine, the club is folded back on a kind of waste ground: the planet of St Exupéry. The club is fixed at it definitively. It is there that in 1987, 700 spectators follow the match vis-a-vis Caen. For the first time, the cameras of France 3 Normandy film a match of baseball.

1987 is marked by the entry in official competition of Huskies which takes share with the regional championship of Island-of-France. Huskies dispute the final against the reserve of Lions Savigny with Saint-Germain-in-Bush hammer. Rouennais take a lead in a withdrawal on the marble carried out by Daryl Lee. Following this beautiful season, the club is promoted in Division 2.

Huskies dispute two seasons in D2 (1988 and 1989) before reaching the final of the test. Vis-a-vis Barracudas of Montpellier with Savigny-on-Barley, Rouennais crééent the surprise while being essential after having lost the first of the three matches of this final series. This title opens the doors in Division 1 in Huskies.

To prepare the season 1990, Xavier Rolland goes to Quebec to recruit two players. After having attended several matches Junior Elite in Quebec and Montreal, its choice is made on the stop runs/launcher of the Larks of Charlesbourg, François Rochette. The second recruit will be the receiver Sylvain Paulhus who will sign besides then like bulldozer PEN catcher as a Major League for Expos of Montreal. The team also records the arrival of Luc Tardif, the high-speed motorboat of Rouen hockey club. Thus reinforced, Huskies dispute the final but are inclined vis-a-vis Caribous de Brévannes. In spite of this reverse, the team is nevertheless promoted among the elite.

Huskies discover the elite

President Xavier Rolland finds Canada in order to prepare the season 1991, the first of the history of the club in the championship French elite. He recruits there two launchers of the club of Laval. Pascal Raymond and young person a 22 year old, Robin Roy. This first season is completed on a fourth places very honourable. The year 1991 is égalemnt remembered by the departure of president Xavier Rolland. Studying in journalism in Paris, it yields its armchair of President to Lionel Hamel, journalist in France 3.

In 1992, new fourth place in Elite. International the Serge Kaouane, receiver and especially Arnaud Fau, external field, make from now on left manpower. Arnaud will sign as a professional in Japan thereafter. Also let us quote Canadian Dany Medley, excel stop runs.

1993 is one year black for Huskies. Departure of the principal Inno sponsor and the vice-president Gerard Couprie (François Colombier is then a President). The principal leaders left the club. The club does not have any more the means of recruiting and the results are catastrophic. The last, the club is relegated in main road one at the end of the season after three years to the most level.

the crossing of the desert

Relegated, the club has evil has to be stabilized in N1. The team trails itself at the end of the classification while the players discouraged. The club frole the abandonment and the discontinuance of business.The first start intervenes with a first return, that of Jean Rene Tapia as trainer. Pierre Yves Rolland occupies the presidency by interim then and carries the all alone club during more than one year with the assistance of Arnauld Lastel, the 1st employment paid with the Club in THESE. Its first decision, outward journey to seek JR. The team is then last at semi season. Under her impulse, the team will finish at the head phase return and will gain a place in play off.

(to be supplemented)

1998: arrival of Dominic Therrien. A former player of the Eagles of Trois-Riviéres. It made two unforgettable seasons with the club in Elite. It did not concede only one strike out during two years. Before playing in Rouen, it evolved/moved in the dies of the Brave men of Atlanta in AA. VIP with life in Rouen baseball 76. Today, it is agent of professional players in North America.

A first return which in advertisement of others. Jean Rene Tapia and Pierre Yves Rolland succeed in convincing Xavier Rolland to return to deal with the club. During the summer, the three men work on a plan of recovery. The city, Valerie Fourneyron and the Council General Rene Delcourt, then Pascal Martin, are allured… The club reappears…André Laflamme unloads Three-Rivers… He is named with the head of the team one and especially, its spot is to start again the club sportivement and to structure it on the level of the young people. François Dovecote, former president of the club, returns to France after having spent three years in Canada… The team again learns how to gain and to be ambitious.The budget is multiplied by three. And the projects do not miss.The club engages its first young employment, inaugurates its registered office with the Large-Pond, occupies a short moment the head of the Elite championship… The first Pole Hope of France opens its doors thanks to the excellent work completed by Sylvain Virey.

But the growth must be channeled. In 2000, the leaders make a painful decision. The team has just failed in play offs. During a meal with all the players of the team one, the choice to go down in main road is taken. The team, growing old, explodes.

In 2001, the team is entrusted to Sylvain Virey. It can count on a young group framed by two players of experiment, Robin Roy and Yann Monnet. Hard blow in middle of season, Québécois OJ of the European Communities Blais leaves Rouen precipitately. It has just signed as a professional and joined the team of the Capitals of Quebec. It is replaced by American Andy Justice who makes his return! The club is crowned champion of France of Main road One (11 years after the final lost vis-a-vis Brévannes) while being essential in Compiegne vis-a-vis Cherbourg at the end of two beautiful meetings which will see Robin “the king” Roy being elected better playerThe club launches also two new sections to the club. BabyBseball dice 4 years and the softball mixed leisure.

Return gaining among the elite

In 2002, it is the return in Elite under the direction of Patrice Plante. This year also marks the opening of the first center of regional drive in France. May 19 the 2002, it is the historical inauguration of the ground from now on to the international standards.

The season 2002 will remain like a great year in the history of the club. In addition to the ground, one will retain the rise of team 2 in Main road 1 and the record posted by the Élite team with 29 victories for only one defeat in championship of France. The club also gains its first large trophy with the first edition of Challenge of France, gained vis-a-vis PUC. A victory which qualifies the club for the Cut of Europe of the Cuts which proceeds in Barcelona in June 2003. What to make forget final disappointment in half of the championship of France with an elimination surprised vis-a-vis Savigny 2 to 1. Savigny is crowned champion of France three weeks later.

The hardly completed season 2002, Patrice Plants advertisement his decision to set out again in Quebec, for personal reasons. A substitute should be found to him, or rather three: a trainer, a launcher and a person in charge for the center of drive. Xavier Rolland opens his address book, activates his many contacts on the other side of the Atlantic. Quickly, a name makes the unanimity, that of Christian Chénard, which agrees to take up the challenge. It arrives to Rouen in March 2003.

Meanwhile, the winter was agitated. At the level of recruitment, an old cost, Paul Antoine, new arrives, Brian Deler, boarder of INSEP. Team 2 of Rouen reaches the championship of Main road 1. A last recruit joined Huskies. Having noted a certain lack of offensive power, Xavier Rolland puts the hand on one of the most dreaded strikers at Quebec, Nicolas Matte.

Another reinforcement, which will have a role than important more this season, that of Florian Siourt, kiné of Rouen Hockey Club, and which wants to try a new adventure in baseball. It does not know yet that it will have much work with its new team.

Huskies are also equipped during the winter with an Internet site, which will quickly become the reference number 1 in France.

In May, a new strong man unloads in Rouen. It arrives from Montreal with a beautiful experiment of coach. Sylvain Pruneau is engaged by the club to work on the formation.

Place then at challenge of France, new formula, four matches over four days with Pessac and Saint-Aubin-of-Medoc. After two easy victories against Guerche (17-1) and Cherbourg (15-1), Rouennais demolish Montpellier 5-0 at the time of the last hen match, before being inclined finally vis-a-vis Savigny (4-2).

The team connects then with the Cut of Europe (the first of the club), with in particular the arrival of Andre Tremblay, reinforcement of choice for the monticule rouennais. Sant Boi, the local team, taken along by a player of exception, Xavier Civit, is essential 7-1. The following day, victory 13-1 vis-a-vis the Croats of Varazdin then demolished vis-a-vis the Netherlanders of Haarlem. Rouen saves essence (a place in group A) by beating 7-2 the Austrians of Bull Hardware. Huskies finally finish finally sixth after the defeat for the fifth place vis-a-vis the Germans of Regensburg.

In championship, a division against Montpellier ensures for the second consecutive year a first place in regular season. Huskies difficiellement draw aside the PUC in semi-finals before facing Savigny in final series. Rouen are essential and celebrates its first title.

In 2004, the club gains the Cut of Europe of the Champions (B) group. In 2005, it gains a second championship of France Elite. In 2006, Huskies gain their second Cut of Europe of the champions (B) group and preserve their title of champion of France by beating them Tigers of Toulouse by three victories with two in final series.

In 2007, the club disputes with San Marino it Coupe of Europe and reached the final after having beaten holding it of the hen title then powerful Italian of Telemarket Rimini in semi-finals. The final of épreuve proceeds Saturdays June 16 2007 and ends in an honourable defeat 1 to 3 vis-a-vis Dutch of Kinheim. Rouen is the first not-Italian team and not-Dutchwoman to reach the final of most prestigious Coupe of Europe of baseball since 1976.

A few days earlier, the field centers Joris Bert connait the honor to be the first French player has to be drafté by a frankness from major League of baseball (them Dodgers of Los Angeles).

Rouen preserves its title of champion of France in August 2007. Huskies are essential indeed finally vis-a-vis Templiers de Sénart par trois victoires à deux.

External links

* [ Site officiel du club]

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