

The PS-05/A is a pulse-doppler radar currently used by the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft. It weighs 156 kg and has been developed by Ericsson and GEC-Marconi, based on the latter's advanced Blue Vixen radar for the Sea Harrier (which inspired the Eurofighter's CAPTOR radar as well).

The PS-05/A works in the 8-10 GHz band and has 1 kW energy output (7 kW maximum output). The radar is capable of detecting, locating, identifying and automatically tracking multiple targets in the upper and lower spheres, on the ground and sea or in the air, in all weather conditions. It consists of four parts and all parts can be replaced in 30 minutes.

Gripen operator Hungarian Air Force reported the PS-05 radar set has proved reliable so far, both in domestic service and NATO flight exercises in Corsica.



Is the latest version of PS-05/A radar which is currently in use and has been available since 2005.

It is capable of detecting fighter aircraft from 120 km distance and can see road traffic and count ships at anchor in a harbour at 70 km.

Radar modes:

a) Air-to-Air modes:

* LRS (Long Range Search) is used to detect and identify targets at high ranges.
* TWS (Track While Scan) allows to track targets and search for other targets.
* MPTT (Multiple Priority Target Tracking).
* PTT (Priority Target Tracking) allows accurate targeting and tracking Air-to-Air missiles.
* STT (Single Target Track).
* ACM (Air Combat Mode) is used for automatic target detection in dogfight.

b) Air-to-Surface modes:

* LRS (Long Range Search) is used for ground or sea target search at long distances.
* RA (Raid Assessment) ensures bombing.
* SMTI (Stationary and Moving Target Indication) is used for ground stationary or moving targets.
* GSPTT (Ground and Sea Priority Target Tracking).
* GM (Ground Mapping) ensures mapping of terrain under the aircraft for navigation purposes (e.g. terrain copying at night or adverse weather condition).
* HRM (High Resolution Mapping) ensures terrain mapping by synthetic aperture in order to gain high resolution pictures.
* RANGING high accuracy ground target ranging.

All information is processed by a Mercury Computer Systems RACE/PPC setup, which has replaced the Ericsson D80 of Batch 1-2 Gripens.


Is an upgraded version of MK-3 and should improve SAR capability to modern standards and enhance GMTI/GMTT (SMTI/GSPTT) modes.


Is a further upgrade of MK-4 radar which will gain new AESA antenna instead of mechanically scanned antenna. This radar will be available by 2012.

Development of the AESA radar for Gripen started out under the Saab Ericsson NORA (Not Only a RAdar) programme, and has been underway for several years, including test flying aboard a specially-retained Saab JA 37 Viggen testbed. Benefits of the NORA concept was the provision of improved long-range tracking as a result of the combination of longer detection range and electronically-steered beam control, dominant battlespace awareness, track identification through non-co-operative target recognition, low probability of intercept and enhanced jamming capabilities. The AESA radar programme is directly linked to MIDAS (Multifunction Integrated Defensive Avionics System), which will also add electronic attack and advanced datalinking capabilities.


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