Rafael Ignacio Gómez

Rafael Ignacio Gómez

Rafael Ignacio Gómez (born August 28 in Bogotá, Colombia) is a dubbing actor and director (Spanish) who works for distributing companies in Colombia and Latin America.


Latin America

*National Geographic Channel
*Nickelodeon (TV Channel)
*Cartoon Network
*Disney Channel


*Provideo S.A.
*Centauro Comunicaciones
*City TV
*Grabando Estudios

Notable voice roles

*Narrator in National Geographic
*Announcer in Speed Racer X
*Narrator in Street Fighter II V
*Buffalo Man in
*General Hawk in
*Professor Nemo in Cubix
*Vervain (Watership Down) in Watership Down
*Hacker in Adventurers: Masters of Time
*Eddie Charles in Dream On (TV series)
*Bill in Okavango
*Nathaniel in Shoe Box Zoo
*Baron Bloody in Madan Senki Ryukendo
*Walsh in 24 TV Series
*Christopher Columbus (Gérard Depardieu) in
*Daniel Bender (Burt Reynolds) in Pups
*Doug Weist in The Triangle (miniseries)
*Raymond Chang in Double Impact
*Thorne (Donald Sutherland) in Land of the Blind (film)

External links

* [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=46722 Rafael Ignacio Gómez] at Anime News Network Encyclopedia
* [http://www.talentocolombia.net Rafael Ignacio Gómez] at Talento Internacional Colombia
* [http://www.centauro.com Centauro Comunicaciones] Official Web Site
* [http://www.provideotv.com/index_content.html Provideo S.A.] Official Web Site
* [http://www.citytv.com.co/ City TV] Official Web Site

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