- HEART scan
The HEART scan is a rapid assessment tool for identifying haemodynamically significant cardiac abnormalities in the critical care setting. It is similar to the
Focused_assessment_with_sonography_for_trauma scan in concept, although it directed to the heart rather than the abdomen.Aims
The aims of the HEART scan are to assess:
*Haemodynamic status (eg
hypovolaemia )
*Heart_valve lesions
*Pericardial_effusion Views Used
The views used by a HEART scan are the same as or a subset of the full transthoracic views.Views are obtained from up to three windows where possible:
* Parasternal Window
* Apical Window
* Subcostal WindowPositive Result
A positive result on a HEART scan will indicate that there is a clinically significant abnormality in cardiac status. This is essentially a screening test. It does not quantify the severity of the abnormality.
Formal echocardiography is recommended, where clinically indicated, for the majority of positive HEART scans to confirm the abnormalities, quantify the severity, and identify any other pathology that may be present.
ee also
University_Of_Melbourne External links
* [http://www.heartweb.com.au/heartweb/document.aspx?docid=46c5947b-7a96-4fc5-9965-bd1a8e1a3cf1&delay=0 HEART scan workshops]
* [http://www.pharmacology.unimelb.edu.au/echocourse/ Postgraduate Diploma in Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiogrpahy]
* [http://www.mitral.com/heart-scan.shtml More Information about Heart Scans via HealthwoRx]
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