- Fitor
Fitor is the name of a
fictional character in theGobots toyline, and the subsequent "Challenge of the GoBots " cartoon. The character transformed into a futuristicjet fighter .Challenge of the GoBots
Fitor was initially a Guardian, and a good friend of
Cy-Kill . When the latter became unhappy with Guardian policy and defected to the Renegades, Fitor followed. His continued loyalty means he rarely travels with Cy-Kill toEarth , instead often being trusted with command of "Rogue-Star ". He was captured by the Guardians when the Renegades' fortress on Gobotron was overrun, but escaped when an errand missile from Blaster opened his cell. Fitor was instrumental in helping Cy-Kill escape back from Guardian custody and back to Rogue-Star. He later travelled withCrasher to Earth, but was again captured by the Power Suit-edLeader-1 . Presumably he later escaped. The Guardians respected his importance to the Renegade cause, and even made an attempt to capture him at one point.As well as his jet mode (armed with two laser cannon), Fitor can fire laser bolts from his fists in robot mode. He is also equipped with surveillance and communication equipment, and often gathers intelligence from the Guardian HQ for Cy-Kill
Robo Machines
In the "Eagle" comic storyline, Fitor was built by Stron-Domez on the journey from Robotron to Earth, and was quickly pressed into action, locating the village of Cholkham as the Renegades' first target. He participated in the attack on the village, and helped take the factory in
Birmingham . However, soon afterwards he was captured along with most of the Renegades when the Security Forces stormed the complex, and taken on board the SF Command Centre where he was shut down. Presumably his body is taken back to Robotron at the end of the series.Fitor was presumably built from scratch by Stron-Domez as no-one else was seen to board the vessel on Robotron.
In Japan, the toy Fitor was based on was chosen as one of the lead characters in the 1987 anime '. Blue Jet"' (voiced by
Shinya Ōtaki ) was one of the best swordsmen from the Jet Tribe, and studied under Kirai Stol. When he was killed by the Gylander, he joined Rom Stol's quest to avenge him. However, it should be noted than Blue Jet and Fitor are not the same character.Toy
Fitor’s toy was a re-release of the
Machine Robo "Jet Robo" figure (MR-03). It was first issued in 1983, and was available until the end of the line. It was also released in Europe.Because of the anime exposure, the Jet Robo received several more toys in Japan - a reissue of the original came out in 1987; a non-transforming version was issued the same year in the Chara Collection (a second version of this, with a working
BB gun accessory, was also issued) and the Jet Robo character in "Machine Robo Rescue " was clearly modelled on the original toy.
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